I’m gonna ask you a question point-blank and you’ve gotta answer honestly, okay?

Don’t lie. You’re hurting yourself more than anyone else, if you do. 😉 


I mean, truly doing every single thing you know how to do in order to create the life and business that you want.. are you?

Yep, I’m talking about the WORK, and yes I know I just talked about the work the other day, but I’m gonna talk about it again because most people are NOT doing the work (maybe you’re one of them), and need a good kick in the ass about it.

That’s what I’m here for, of course! Always happy to deliver a needed ass-kicking. 😉

Listen: Doing the work is CRUCIAL.

Staying the course, one foot in front of the other, taking consistent, persistent, aligned action, day in and day out. 

You must give ALL that you have - this is your freakin’ LIFE we’re talking about here! Do you want it to be amazing? Then you’ve gotta WORK, bitch! {Channelling my inner Britney right now.}

Don’t be afraid of the work. In fact, if it’s work you LOVE, it won’t actually feel like “work” at all - not in the sense that it feels like a burden, which it DOES for most people, and that’s because they aren’t doing their SOUL work, but instead doing “surface work”, just to pay the bills.


Some days it may feel like a pain in the ass and you REALLY won’t wanna. Do it anyway. These are the most IMPORTANT days to do the work - because if you can push through the harder days, the easy days will feel 10x easier. Plus, the hard days are the days when breakthroughs often happen, so they’re definitely worth a bit of discomfort!

You say you want this life - you know, the one where you have complete & total freedom in all areas - but do you REALLY? Because it sure doesn’t seem like it!

So what do you need to do? I’ll tell ya, based on 14+ years of me fucking around online and creating this business - and freedom-based lifestyle - that I adore..

✔ First off: Stop fucking complaining. If something is working the way you want it to, change it. If things aren’t happening fast enough for you, work harder or do something different (or both!).

✔ Have a plan and WORK IT. The plan can and will change, of course. It’s not like you’re stuck with the plan forever. But having a plan at leaves gives you something to start with and you can use it to fuel you and build momentum.

✔ Accept help whenever it’s offered and feels aligned, even if it costs you money and you don’t have much to spare. It’s always worth it. Having help allows you to grow much faster than trying to do it all on your own ever will. 

✔ Surround yourself with positive, high-vibe, supportive people who support you and cheer you on at all times.

✔ Stop doing shit that doesn’t matter, and focus only on what DOES. And if you don’t know the difference, get help and find out!

✔ Set your intentions and work toward them every single day, no matter what.

✔ Journal and reflect daily. Ideally first thing in the morning when your mind is fresh. Affirm your desires over and over again, as if they’re already your reality. If you’re not journaling every day, I’m gonna kick you. It’s the #1 thing I’ve done (and still do) that produced the best and the fastest results!

✔ Be interesting. People don’t follow boring people. (Note: EVERYONE is interesting. Most people are just too afraid to show their true self to the world. Don’t be these people.)

✔ Open up, be vulnerable. Say what you REALLY think. Always Share your truth, no matter how scary it feels. 

✔ Do what you say you’re gonna do. Stay true to the commitments you make to yourself. 

✔ Speak from your SOUL. Tell the truth. What do you stand for? What do you stand AGAINST? Polarity sets you apart.

✔ Take big risks on yourself and your business. Nothing good ever came from comfort zones.

✔ Grow your tribe. The more people who follow you, the more of an impact you will have in the world (and the more money you will make).

✔ Sell daily. Ideally 10x a day, or more. And no, that ISN’T a lot. If what you’re selling is valuable and will help people, then it’s your motherfucking DUTY to sell it, so that it can help people. Get your work in front of people, every day, all day. 

✔ Focus a large chunk of your time on passive and recurring income to alieviate money stress (you know, when you’ve always GOTTA make more money to pay the bills? Make enough in passive/recurring income that all of your basic monthly expenses are covered - and then the extra you make on top of that is a bonus!).

✔ Show up every single day, whether you want to or not. Visibility is one of your most important tasks and it’s what separates the successful from the unsuccessful.

✔ Have some fucking ambition, why dontcha? Set big goals. Annihilate them.

✔ Ignore the naysayers and the haters. If you’re doing this right, there will be a lot of them. Don’t let them get to you. Ignore, block, delete, move forward. 🙂 

If you want this, you’ve gotta work for it.

You’ve gotta put your heart, your soul, your blood, sweat and TEARS into it.

You’ve gotta do the impossible.

You’ve gotta SLAY the freakin’ day, every day.

You’ve gotta be relentless.

Then, and only then, will you succeed, and have that dream life & business that you so desire. 

It’s not hard (though it may feel that way sometimes). It’s just a matter of motherfucking COMMITMENT TO THE CAUSE.

And so I’ll ask you again: