So many people are focused on the wrong fucking goal and that’s what’s killing their chances of actually achieving it.
Asking for more money is great, we all want to be more abundant, financially speaking.
But there MUST be a deeper reason to want more money than for the simple thought of HAVING more money.
The money is not the goal. The money should never BE the goal.
The goal is, in fact –
What you can CREATE with the money.
Maybe you want to travel around the world, in true VIP style.
Money can buy you that.
Maybe you want to start your own charity.
Money can buy you that.
Maybe you want to invest more into your business.
Money can buy you that.
Maybe you want to find and move into your dream home.
Money can buy you that.
Maybe you want to hire or retire your spouse.
Money can buy you that.
Maybe you want to financially support your parents.
Money can buy you that.
It’s crucial that you immediately stop making your primary goal MONEY and instead make the goal what money will buy. And let’s take that even a step futher –
I find that the most common reason for wanting more money is for “financial freedom”, meaning you never have to worry about money.
Well, that’s a fine goal, there’s nothing wrong with it per say, but have you ever asked yourself what “financial freedom” actually meant to you? I bet it doesn’t mean sitting on your ass all day, doing nothing, and letting that money sit in the bank, am I right?
The term “financial freedom” to you, likely means being able to buy what you want and do what you want, on your terms. Yes?
Okay, so let’s dig deeper on that:
Right now. In this moment (because obviously things will evolve as time goes on and as you start to cross these things off your list and mark them as achieved!). Essentially, the question is this:
What is your dream life?
I’m going to share an excerpt from my journal that I wrote this morning to give you an example of how to do this. This is a bit of what I am now calling into my life.
“I feel great and love my fit, lean body!”
“I hired my mom full-time as my Castle Manager!”
“I hired my dad full-time as my Systems Analyst!”
“I hired Richard full-time as my CFO!”
“We now only travel business class or better!”
“I am now working with 20 high-level, soulmate clients in the Abundance Alchemists Mastermind!”
“I wake up excited, inspired and motivated every day!”
“I am a super fun mom!”
“I love my team and take amazing care of them!”
“I surprise and over-deliver to my incredible clients!”
“I am in love with life!”
“I live in my dream home and love it so much!”
“I own and support multiple animal sanctuaries around the globe!”
“I am surrounded by abundance in every area of my life and business!”
“I make money with ease and from flow & alignment every day!”
“My message is heard by millions of badass men & women every day!”
“I have incredible friendships with super high-level entrepreneurs!”
“I am full of energy, insanely positive, and am totally high on life!”
As you’ll see here –
I mix in business stuff, personal stuff, and life stuff, as they are all ONE to me. I don’t separate them.
About once a week or so, I will go even deeper on each of these.
For example:
“I hired my mom full-time as my Castle Manager! She LOVES her job and I love having her work with me! She makes my life so much easier by –
Cleaning and organizing The Castle
Shopping and running errands
Cooking and meal prep
Taking care of the kids as needed
Making phone calls and doing research
Travelling with me as an assistant as needed
Running to Starbucks for me when I need a fix (legit task!)”
And so on and so forth.
So I just get deeper and deeper and get CRYSTAL FREAKIN’ CLEAR on what that dream life looks to me in EVERY way.
These are the goals you want to focus on, not the money. Because the money doesn’t matter as much as what you will DO with the money once it arrives.
Once you’re clear on what your dream life is, then you can ask yourself, “okay, what will that cost?”, figure out a number, and then add that to your list of dream life goals (meaning, if it will cost you $50,000 a month to live your dream life and have & do everything you want, your goal would be “I easily receive over $50,000 a month consistently” and “I easily pay for all of my expenses”).
Please –
Don’t start with a money goal.
Go deeper than that.
Some homework for you today (I’ve always wanted to be a teacher….):
- Ask yourself: What do I really want to do?
- Ask yourself: What do I really want to have?
- Ask yourself: What do I really want to experience?
- Ask yourself: Approximately how much will that all cost each month?
- And then, write out your dream life in full. These are your new goals. These are your new “targets”. The money will come when you’re focused on the dream life goals and are taking consistent action toward achieving them. Of course, write down and focus on your money goals as well, just make sure they are always tied into the dream life, otherwise you’re wasting your time.
Money loves to have a purpose, you know. And if it doesn’t, it’s not gonna come to you.