I’m married to someone who has always believed you need to be “realistic”. That you have to plan for the worst case scenario. That you need to know the details of everything in advance. That you must save, save, save, and THEN you get to play. 

I always thought that this was a great thing, because he could help to “balance out” my wild nature. My “let’s just do it, who gives a fuck what happens next” personality. 

But in the last year, I’ve realized that just flat out CLASHES. It’s not helpful. It’s not a great thing. 

And I’m really honest about my feelings around this – 

I believe I don’t have to wait to have what I want
I believe I am powerful and can create anything I want and need
I believe there is no such thing as work/life balance
I believe you are creating everything in your life every day, maybe without even realizing it
I believe you get what you ask for 
I believe you get what you focus on

So many conversations have been had around this. So many times I’ve had to “prove myself’ and prove that “this stuff works”. 

And happily, things are much different now. 😉 

Sometimes, hard conversations are necessary. And sometimes, things turn out better than you expect!

I know it’s possible to have everything you’ve ever wanted. I’ve done this many times over, especially when someone tells me I CAN’T. Are you fucking kidding me? I CAN’T? You don’t think I can? I’LL SHOW YOU. 

And it works. Sometimes I just need to be a show off. 🙂

Even if someone else tells you that you CAN’T – 

It doesn’t matter. 

What matters is the thoughts in your head and the actions you take. 

What you focus on is what you’re going to get. If you’re always focused on how little money you make, you will always make “little” money. If you’re always focused on making more money every day, however, you’re going to start making more money every day. Maybe not instantly, but if you are constantly focusing on it, that’s what you will create.

You create everything. You’re already creating everything. 

There are no coincidences. 

There are no accidents.

Everything that happens in your life, good or bad, happened because YOU made it happen, consciously or unconsciously. So why not start making some ridiculously cool shit happen?

I’ve done this with money creation.
I’ve done this with my clients (called in the EXACT people, actually!).
I’ve done this with the clothes I wear.
I’ve done this with my team.
I’ve done this with the vehicles I drive.
I’ve done this with my time.
I’ve done this with how I travel.
I’ve done this with my relationships.
I’ve done this with everything!
I DO this with everything!

It’s happening right now. Your mood is what you’ve chosen it to be today. Whether that’s happy, angry, sad, annoyed, excited, inspired, whatever.. you CHOSE that mood. It didn’t just happen to you. You don’t wake up and you’re in a certain mood. You decide to PUT yourself in that mood and you decide to either stay in that mood or switch moods! 

It’s all on YOU. 

Everything. All of it. 

Success is not determined only by what you do, but by who you ARE; who you decide to be. You have to be that version of yourself that you crave to be. Want to be rich? Act as that rich woman. Want to be a best-selling author? How would a best-selling author act? BE HER. Want to make money every day, then act as if you are making money every day. 

And yeah, there is some strategy here, and you need to put in the fucking work, but it all starts with making the DECISION

Whatever you want, claim it. It’s YOURS. Right now. You don’t have to wait! You can be, do and have EVERYTHING you want, once you decide it’s a done deal. 

Not “when”, not “one day”, not even “later”. NOW. Right this second. What you want is YOURS. And you can believe that (and therefor make it your reality) or you can doubt that it’s possible (making THAT your reality). Which sounds more exciting? Which sounds more like what you want?

THE RESULTS? Yeah? Then step up and ask for them. Claim them. Consider them done now. Take aligned action. And BOOM. Those results really are yours!

It’s not complicated. 
There is so “secret”. 
And there definitely is not a magic ticket to success.

You simply decide, COMMAND, believe, take action, and receive it. 

Fucking hell this shit is fun! 

I feel sorry for those that are struggling and I wish they would just wake up and PAY ATTENTION to what they’re doing to themselves. 

No, you can’t use “shit happens” as an excuse when things don’t go your way. Shit happens because you allow shit to happen.
No, you can’t tell me that “everything can’t be perfect all the time”. Things absolutely CAN be perfect all the time.
No, you can’t say – 

I’m sick
I’m tired
I’m depressed
I don’t feel like it
I can’t
I don’t know how
I’m scared

No one gives a shit about your feelings. 

You do what needs to be done to be, feel, think and act like the person you need to be in order to be, do and have everything you want! 

That’s it. 

So tell me – 

What are you going to do TODAY to stop with the self-sabbotage and actually start creating the life you want? 

This is your life. Want it to be better? Take action now!