Letting go of the dead weight + how to make money EVERY day

Letting go of the dead weight + how to make money EVERY day

There comes a time when we must ruthlessly get rid of everyone and every thing that isn’t serving us.

In fact, this really needs to happen on a regular basis and I’ve just now decided that this is something I’m going to do every month. 

Because fuck – 

It feels so damn good to let go of the baggage!

Whether it’s cutting loose a pain in the ass client, deleting all those old photos from your computer because they are SO off brand, or purging your email list of those who never open a single email.

It’s important to constantly let go of the dead weight following you around so you can focus on who you truly LOVE to serve and what you love doing, who you want to be around, and everything in between.

Not only does this make life that much more fun, but it makes YOU that much more fun to be around! It makes business easy, it makes living easy, it makes the hustle easy.

There is a common belief that the more people you have in your community, the better. And this is true - somewhat. 

The more TRULY IDEAL people you have in your community, the better. Those that speak your truth, resonate with your message and act JUST LIKE YOU, who essentially ARE you in another body, THAT is when you’ve succeeded. 

Those are the people you want in your tribe.

You don’t want the followers that never take action
You don’t want the people that challenge you
You don’t want those that question everything you say
You don’t want the whiners, the complainers, the annoying pains in the asses that make you want to scream

You want those that just GET YOU
You want those that understand and are in line with your mission
You want those that do the fucking work and get results
You want those that are best friends 
You want those that you would actually spend time with 
You want those that you can’t get enough of!

That is the community you want.

That is the tribe you want.


And so to get that, we have to be ruthless about who we allow in our circle and we have to unapologetically eliminate those that aren’t a 100% perfect fit.

You will hurt feelings
You will piss people off
You will make people feel uncomfortable

And you will do it anyway. Because you must. And because you know just how beautiful, how fucking MAGICAL things are when you’re surrounded only by those who just GET IT, get YOU, get the POINT!

You can’t serve a community that isn’t interested in being served by you, that doesn’t believe or agree with what you say, that doesn’t stand WITH you, always and forever, no matter what you say or do.


And those who aren’t loyal to you and your message are not to be welcomed into your community.

The thing is – 

They will try to sneak in
They will try to be a part of the family
They will try to participate

And this is where you need to put your BOSS hat on and kick their ass to the curb

Because really and truly, they will not do anything but tear you down.

In some way, they will knock you on your ass. They will mess up your focus. They will not mean to, mostly, but they will CRUMBLE you. 

Us natural-born leaders, we will NOT be knocked down, we REFUSE to be knocked down, and so we must constantly weed out the bad seeds from our communuty. The ones who are not a perfect fit, in every single way.

Call your people out. Tell them to rise up and take a stand for who they are. And watch for those that challenge you - then wave BYE and never think of them again.

Every time you speak your mind about something, when you say how much you LOATHE something, when you are adamant about what you believe to be true, you will find many people have to open up their big mouths and say just how wrong you are. And THAT’s what you’re looking for.

You want to regularly be ruffling those feathers so you can eliminate those that aren’t 100% IN your community, that don’t stand by your side no matter what.

Even with this email, I KNOW I will lose subscribers. I know I will have people thinking I’m a bitch and they can’t stand me anymore. And to that I say “GOOD BYE, SO LONG!” because I don’t fucking CARE who doesn’t like me. I care about those who do. 

I’m not here to make everyone happy. 

I’m not here to make a bunch of friends.

I’m here to share my message, impact millions and live a life of PURPOSE.

If you’re not in line with me and what I stand for, I URGE you to stop following me right away and go find your own tribe.

Who you are is enough
What you believe is right
What you stand for is perfect

And you will start attracting the right people that stand WITH YOU when you finally stop hiding and share your light with the world, unapologetically, no filter needed.