Every time you tell yourself that you have no money, you send a message to the universe that you want to continue having no money.
Every second you believe making money is hard, making money will continue to be a struggle.
Evert time you believe money is going to be hard to hold on to, money will constantly slip away from you and you will dig yourself into a deep hole of debt.
You need to train your subconscious mind to think differently.
There is a FEAR around spending money. As if the act of you spending it means you will never see that money again. When in fact, the more you spend money, the more money you shall receive in return. The only catch? What you’re spending money on has to either –
Make you happy
Make you more money
Make feel good
Make your life easier
If you went out and spent a bunch of money on stuff that didn’t do any of the above, but you bought stuff that you thought MIGHT make you happy, or on stuff other people told you that you should have, or even worse, to IMPRESS other people –
Well, then all you’re doing is adding more and more debt to the pile.
However –
If you spend money on things/experiences/people that enrich your life and make it better, you can expect more money to return in it’s place.
So long as you believe it will happen
Expect it to happen
And consistently call it in
For example –
One thing I regularly journal on every morning is MONEY. I list multiple money affirmations that I desire to be true. Beliefs I want (or currently have) around money. There are certain strategies that I use here to ensure money continues to come into my life in larger and larger amounts, but one area I focus on in particular is spending money.
I say things such as –
The more money I spend, the more I receive
For every dollar I spend, I receive at least 10 dollars in return
Every time I spend money, more money shows up in it’s place
And you know what?
This is now TRUE in my life.
I used to believe that holding onto money was the smart thing to do. It was what all responsible adults did. Save money, hold on to it in case of an emergency, save for a rainy day! And so what did I do? I saved my money. Had tens of thousands of dollars stashed away, feeling so proud of myself for being such a responsible adult.
But my money situation didn’t improve. Instead, it got worse. How? By keeping all of that money locked away in savings accounts, I was continuing to reinforce the belief that money was scarce and so I needed to hold on to it tightly so it didn’t disappear.
Except it did.
Little by little, I would dip into savings to pay for things I deemed necessary. New shoes. A weekend getaway. A pillow that I saw online and thought looked cool. And the next thing I knew, my savings was depleted and I was racking up debt like crazy.
I was furious at myself and also a bit confused.
I thought savings were supposed to protect me. Why didn’t I feel protected?
Well, it’s simple:
I didn’t feel (and therefor didn’t act from a place OF) protected because the most important thing I could protect (my mindset) was ignored.
How do you expect to feel financially protected when you can’t even protect your own mind?
Money is one of the most difficult things to create, but you can definitely do so in a way that FEELS easy. How? Through intention, daily money work, and awareness of your thoughts.
You see –
Right now, what you’re broadcasting is doubt. You’re telling the universe that you don’t believe you will make your money back if you spend it, and so you hold onto it, tightly, with the fear that it will never return if you let it go.
And the universe hears your message loud and clear, and makes sure that every time you release money (paying a utility bill, buying groceries, etc.), you don’t ever get that money back. You receive LESS, if anything at all.
And as your debt begins to climb, you tell the universe: “I have so much debt, I need to pay this off!” and the universe hears the word DEBT, and says “Coming right up, more debt for you!”, delivering debt to you in the form of an unexpected bill or emergency.
Your doubt
Your fear
Your unwillingness to let it go
Is exactly what’s holding you back from receiving what you want.
If you want to receive more, especially in the way of money, you have to be secure enough to LET IT GO in the first place.
When you release money and spend it on something that makes you or others happy (or makes you even more money), you are telling the universe that you trust it will send more money your way to replace what you just let go of.
You are broadcasting TRUST and BELIEF and KNOWING.
And so in return, you will receive more of what you want.
So the next time you find yourself saying you can’t afford something or you don’t have the money, ask yourself if you’re saying that because you don’t physically have the money on you or because you’re not sure that if you spend the money you will get it back.
If there is even the SLIGHTEST bit of fear and doubt that you will make the money back, you must IMMEDIATELY switch your focus over to –
“The more money I spend, the more I receive”
“For every dollar I spend, I receive at least 10 dollars in return”
“Every time I spend money, more money shows up in it’s place”
Journal on it daily. Call in what you want. Expect it. Act on it. And RECEIVE IT.
Just know –
You won’t learn to fly until you first jump.
Spend the money. It’s ONLY MONEY. I promise you that it WILL return, as soon as you start expecting it to.
Don’t forget –
You really can be, do and have EVERYTHING you want. Say YES to you and take action now!