I’m so sick of seeing crappy offers posted in my Facebook group (and elsewhere).
They’re boring, they’re stale, and the sound of desperation is SO obvious (and frankly pretty sad).
I know you put lots of time and effort into your program or course or whatever it is you’re selling.
I know you know it’s awesome.
I know you know your people need it.
I know you priced it well.
So why isn’t it selling?
Because it’s completely and utterly BORING and no one buys boring.
Knowing how to create offers that sell is CRUCIAL if you want to make money. You can’t mess around with this stuff.
I launch at least 1 new offer a week (often more) and I rarely have issues selling them out completely.
That $75K last month wasn’t because I got lucky. It’s because I know how to create offers my community wants and I know how to sell to them!
It’s not hard. In fact, it’s really really easy, and once you get the hang of doing this a few times, you can sell tomatoes to a tomato farmer, that’s how good you’ll be.