There has been some talk in my community about how and when you should email your list and because this is something I do differently than a lot of others, I thought I should say something about it, since a lot of people have been asking – 

“How often should I email my list?”

“How much is too much?”

“How many times per week should I sell to my list?”

As you might know, I email every single day. Sometimes more than once a day, and some days up to 8x a day if it’s the last day of a launch! In other words: I email A LOT. 

And I think this freaks people out. Does it freak you out? The thought of emailing your community every single day? If so, I want you to ask yourself WHY. Because the way I see it? The more you email, the more you show up, the more you continue to BE THERE – 

The more people start to pay attention to what you have to say. 

Anyway, I thought about it this morning – 

WHY I really do email my list every day – 

And I wrote a list of my reasons that I thought would be helpful to share with those of you that are struggling with the idea of going against the advice of the “gurus” and showing up for your community on a daily basis. 


Reason #1: I have a lot to say and share. 
This seems pretty obvious, but I think it’s important to bring up. If someone signs up for your email list (or follows you on social media, even!), it’s because they WANT to hear what you have to say. 

And I have A LOT to say! And I love to share that with my community, and judging by the amount of engagement I get back, I think it’s safe to say that they love it, too. 

I know personally that when I follow other people (I think I follow around 5 people right now that I really admire and get inspiration from), I actually get pissy if I don’t see anything from them one day. Yesterday one of my favorite writers didn’t send out an email or post on social media and I’m not kidding when I say I was legitimately sad and also annoyed! I wanted my daily dose of inspiration from them! 

And I know this is what my community expects of me. I will often get messages or emails from those in my community asking me if I’m okay if I don’t show up one day (due to being sick, travelling, whatever), because they are so used to seeing my daily messages! 

Remember: If they follow you, they WANT to hear from you all the time, so long as you’re sharing valuable content with them. Don’t be afraid to share!

Reason #2: The more I show up and share, the stronger the connection.
It’s as simple as this: The more you share with your community, and the more real, raw, vulnerable, and completely UNFILTERED your content is, the stronger of a connection you will build with them.

And people need to feel a connection with you if they’re going to be impacted my your work, and ultimately buy from you to learn more. 

Connection is so very important and it’s one thing a lot of these internet marketers forget about. They’re so focused on conversion rates, and click-throughs, and super specific and strategic email sequences that they leave out one very important aspect of selling: 


Your community needs to feel a connection with you, they must relate to you in some way; if you’re ever going to be able to help them and make an impact (and an income). Which means? Showing up every day, being present, and sharing!

Reason #3: I make more money, because I’m always, in some way, selling in each email.
This is the part that most people get backwards:

“If I email every day, I will annoy people, they will hate me, unsubscribe and never buy anything from me!”

But do you want to know what really happens? 

The more you email and sell, the more money you make. I KNOW. Crazy, right? But it’s the truth. 

Of course, you shouldn’t be emailing your list every day and ONLY selling. You shouldn’t constantly be shoving your products and services down their throats. (The same goes for social media.) 

That being said, selling every day is NOT a bad thing (but in reality, a good thing, and something you SHOULD be doing). But what you want to do instead of just flat-out selling, is give immense VALUE first, and then sell (in the same email, not necessarily separately). 

The only time I really ever email my list with ONLY a sales pitch is when I’m hosting a flash sale, announcing a new offering, or to remind people it’s the last day of a launch and it’s their last chance to sign up for whatever is on offer. 

Otherwise, it’s VALUE+SELL every single day. And considering it’s increased my income by more than double, I’d say it’s working pretty well. 😉

Reason #4: The more people hear/see my name, the more they will pay attention to me.
Simply put – 

The more people receive emails from me and are exposed to my name, the more they will notice me in other places (social media, etc.), giving them more exposure to my work. 

And of course, the more exposure to my work, the more they learn and get value from it, and the more likely they are to buy from me at some point.

I’ve said before that visibility is everything, and it’s true. The more visible you are, the more people hear about you and see you, the more money you make. It’s that simple!

So by emailing my list every day, people are AT LEAST seeing me once per day, and even more often than that if they’re also following me on social media. 

The more people hear about you and are exposed to your work, the better! 

Reason #5: I receive thankful response emails almost daily.
Before I started emailing my list every day, I rarely got a response from my subscribers. Which, to be honest, was fine, because I knew they were opening my emails and knew they were clicking on my links, so clearly the emails were doing what they were “supposed to” do. 

But I still kind of felt unsure if they loved the content. I wanted to know! But I never really did unless the odd person reached out and told me they loved the email, but that rarely happened. 

These days, I get email responses almost every day from people on my list, thanking me for that particular email. It resonated with them. They felt I was speaking to them directly. Which means that #1: I clearly know what my people need to hear! and #2: The daily emails were working; people were feeling the connection with me and getting value from my messages.

I was always told to email my list 1-3 times a week, maximum. Any more than that and it would be annoying and people would get mad and unsubscribe. I even asked my husband this morning what he would do if someone he followed started emailing him saying and he said it would be annoying and he wouldn’t like. HA! He is clearly not my ideal client.

But since I’m always one to say “fuck the rules, I’m doing it my way”, I ended up switching my email ritual to every single day instead of just a few times per week, and this is what happened – 

–> My open rates stayed the same, they didn’t go down like I was told they would. (And they’ve always been pretty damn amazing, if I do say so myself!)
–> My overall response rates went WAY up, from 1-2 per week, to 7+ per week! 
–> My unsubscribe rates stayed the same, they didn’t go up like I was warned about happening.

In all honesty, I never look at these numbers, because I truly don’t give a shit about them (the right people will stay and continue to read my content, and the wrong people will unsubscribe and leave, which is what I want anyway), I just did it for the sake of this email so I could share that information with those of you who were curious about it.

So does emailing my list every day hurt me or help me?

Well, I’m pretty sure the answer is quite obvious by now! 

Emailing my list daily actually HELPED me share and engage more with my community, which has lead to more sales and more money in my pocket. 

This is another one of those time when I’m reminded just how important it is to do what feels right to ME and “fuck the rules”. 🙂

Don’t forget – 

You really can be, do and have EVERYTHING you want. Take action now!