This is how I call in EXACTLY what I want!

This is how I call in EXACTLY what I want!

Repeat after me: 

“I am good enough.”
“I am worthy of everything I desire.”
“I am powerful.”
“I am smart.”
“I am gracious and kind.”
“I am an incredible leader.”
“I can be, do and have EVERYTHING I want.”

Now, DEEP BREATH, and then say repeat them again, but this time, with more conviction. Say them like you MEAN them!

“I am good enough.”
“I am worthy of everything I desire.”
“I am powerful.”
“I am smart.”
“I am gracious and kind.”
“I am an incredible leader.”
“I can be, do and have EVERYTHING I want.”

The more you allow yourself to get into the mindset of being able to create your own reality with your thoughts and affirmations, the more you will actually be able to do so. 

I remember working with my first mentor on this – 

She is a mindset & marketing coach, and I hired her just for the marketing piece (even though of course they go hand in hand, but I didn’t know that at the time). Every time she would bring up mindset, or visualization, or journaling, or manifestation, or affirmations, or meditating.. 

I blocked her out.

I stopped listening.

I thought she was a total weirdo and wanted to avoid her weird vibes getting into my head, HA! 

Well, after months of doing JUST the marketing work, but zero mindset work, only achieving minimal goals that I set for myself, but being NOWHERE near close to where I wanted to be, I finally agreed to try “the weird mindset stuff” for a week. 


Well, the rest, as they say, is history

I have since manifested some amazing things in my life; from money, to a $5 Million dollar home, to better relationships, to weight loss, to high-level clients, to VIP business class (or better) travel multiple times each year, and on and on 🙂 

I discovered how to train my mind for success and then actally ACHIEVE success. All because I allowed things to get “weird”. I trusted that I needed to at least TRY the damn mindset stuff! And I fully believed, after less than a week of consistent mindset work, that this stuff WORKS.

Because it really, truly does.

I was actually kinda pissed that it worked so well because that meant I was wrong. But I’m glad I was wrong. I’m glad I gave it a shot. And I’m glad I stuck with it all of this time, because it’s allowed me to create SO much of what I want in my life, made everything easier and more fun, and forced to accept what I really want (instead of settling only for what I thought I deserved).

I believe, deep in my core, that I am worthy and capable of achieving and receiving anything which I desire.

I know this. 
I trust this.
And I act on this belief. 

Every day.
All day.
In every way.

I have to believe. Because if I don’t believe in me, who else will? 

You are given an opportunity every day to create a life that you love. You don’t have to wait. You don’t have to follow the STEPS first. You don’t have to first do this, and then that, and then FINALLY you can have what you want.

You can have what you want now. 


Right this second.

So long as you first BELIEVE, trust, release the outcome, and take aligned action.

And that’s where you get stuck right? The action bit? 

Because you ARE doing the work! 
You ARE selling every day!
You ARE journaling!
You ARE showing up!
You ARE creating opt-ins, and offers, and sales pages!

But what you AREN’T doing?

Is listening in.

And that’s where the true answers lie. That’s where your guidance for aligned action will come from. 

Have you listened in today?
Have you asked yourself what you must do? What you feel CALLED to do?
Have you allowed yourself to listen?

There is nothing more important than asking for, and then listening to and taking action on, those inspired thoughts/ideas/nudges.

You can’t create your reality by checking to-do’s off a list. You can’t create a life of fun, a life of excitment, a life of abundance, by asking OTHER people what you need to do. You must go within. Listen to your gut. What is it saying you should do? 


Do not question it.
Do not do it differently than suggested.
Do not ask for confirmation.
Do not tell others.

Just freakin’ do it already!

This is how ALL successful people call abundance into their life.

They ask for more
They declare it as done
They ask for guidance 
And then they take that inspired action

All day, every day. 

It’s constant. And it must be constant. It has to be the thing which you think about all of the time. It has to consume you. You must be obsessed! 

But of course, you know this. 

I know you know this. 

So the question is – 

Why aren’t you doing it?

Do you feel stuck on HOW to do the mindset work?
Do you feel like you’re already doing it, and it’s not working?
Do you feel like you need more support with your mindset?
Do you feel like you need more confidence?
Do you feel like you just want it to hurry up and WORK already?

First of all – 


Nothing ever comes to those who are desperate, but only to those who have decided to release the outcome after they’ve clearly defined what they want. Worry and stress will not allow you to create an abundant lifestyle. It will not allow you to create more of what you want. It will only fill you with doubt and fear, and it will be long-lasting.

Now, here’s what you need to do – 

  1. Breathe.
  2. Affirm what you want.
  3. Ask for guidance.
  4. Take action.
  5. Release.
  6. Breathe.

Now go have fun and play and pay attention for those intuitive nudges to happen. When they come to you,listen, believe, and DO.

It’s the only way.

There’s no amount of STRATEGY that will save you.
There’s no level of HUSTLE that will help you.

The answers are inside. The WORK is inside.

There’s just you
Your thoughts
Your mind
Your body
Your soul
And your response to them all