Do you ever feel like a fraud?
Like someone is gonna “find you out” for not being the perfect leader you think you need to be?
I think this is one of the downfalls of people like you and me. We’re such perfectionists that we don’t allow ourselves to just be who we are and EMBRACE ourselves whole-heartedely. Which can sometimes mean - we don’t know everything!
I know, I know. You don’t want to admit that you don’t know everything. Neither do I. But the fact of the matter is –
We don’t. We can’t. No one knows it ALL. So why are you putting so much pressure on yourself to make people believe that you do?
I used to feel like a fraud when I was making more money than my own mentor.
I used to feel like a fraud when someone of my clients were making more money than me.
I used to feel like a fraud when I would sell something SO easily.
I used to feel like a fraud when something I launched didn’t sell at all.
I used to feel like a fraud a lot –
And I still do from time to time.
Because I’m human. And you’re human. And we’re both good people. Which is why we sometimes feel like a fraud. We have a conscious. We don’t WANT to be a fraud, which is why we get scared/sad/upset/frustrated when we FEEL like one.
Just think about it –
If you weren’t a good person, you woudn’t care if you were a fraud! So the fact that you care and you don’t want to be or feel like one, automatically makes you a good person. So there’s that.
Remember –
In order to be a fraud, you need to have done something wrong. You need to have lied, or cheated, or stolen, or SOMETHING along those lines. Did you do any of those things? No? Okay then, you’re not a fraud. Move along!
Let me remind you of who you REALLY are, in case you’ve forgotten –
You are the person who’s invested in herself 10x over, and continue to do so, so that you can learn more and support your tribe more.
You are the person who has stayed up all night getting a project done for your clients/students.
You are the person who is always thinking about what other people (your tribe) need.
You are the person who actually ENJOYS helping and supporting others.
You are the person who gives of her time freely to help others.
You are the person who regularly hosts free challenges, free giveaways, free events, so that LOTS of people can benefit from your knowledge.
You are the person who gives a shit about others.
You are the person who cares.
And you, are so far from being a fraud it’s not even funny.
Embrace your BADASS self. Acknowledge your amazingness. You are pretty freakin’ awesome.