It’s so easy to get caught up in thinking and believing that in order for you to receive/have/experience something you desire, you need to somehow figure out HOW to make it happen.

But that very act is what’s blocking you from ever MANIFESTING it and having it in your life. 

The whole CONCEPT of planning for something, and following some kind of system just. doesn’t. work. 

Not in the way it was meant to be, anyway!

The truth is – 

The truth that many are unwilling to believe because it seems too GOOD to be true (yet it is true!) – 

Is that there IS no ‘how’.

There is only soul.

The way to discovering WHAT it is you must do? Is to tune into your soul, ask for guidance, and act accordingly. 

The way to manifesting your greatest desires is not to ask HOW, but to ask WHAT. 

‘What must I do now, in this moment?”

“What is the aligned next action to take?”

“What would feel good?”

“What must I believe in order to receive ____?”

Asking HOW is just whining and it get’s ya nowhere.  

The HOW will come forth and get DONE without you even trying because you are following soul guidance and doing what feels good in each moment (which is FLOW and flow is what allows you to manifest quickly and easily). 

You do not need to pre-plan the how. 

In each moment, you must ask yourself – 

“What now? What’s next?” 

And then you act, based on how you feel. 

You see, you get a PHYSICAL response when an answer comes to you, and that physical response is an indicator to whether or not you should listen to the answer and take action on it. 

For example – 

If you ask yourself “What now? What’s my next step?” (in order to have a $50K month, for example), and the response comes in as “launch a new 1:1 offer”, and you feel UGH about it –

Really don’t wanna, but deep down believe THAT is where the “big money” is gonna come from, that you say “blah, okay fine” – 

Well, that is a negative physical response. Which means - you deny it. You say “no thanks, what else?”, until you get a better answer.  


If the response comes in as “do a 3 week course on ____ and charge ____ for it, and then up-sell to _____”, and you feel GIDDY and a OMG YES! about it, and you get tingly (is tingly a word? it is now!) all ove your body – 

That is a POSITIVE physical response. Which means - DO NOT THINK TWICE. Act, and act now. Do what your soul is urging you to do. 

The answers are within you. They always have been and always will be. You just forgot how to listen in, and then you forgot how to recognize the right answers to listen/respond to. 

It’s about trusting. 

It’s about listening. 

It’s about feeling good. 

It’s about being excited and high-vibe about what you’re doing.

This is how you manifest anything. 
