Sick of it doesn’t even come close to describing how I’m currently feeling in terms of EXCUSES.
If one more person gives me an excuse about why they can’t do something they want to do or know they NEED to do, I think I may just blow the fuck up. Although maybe that’s kinda sorta what I’m doing right now, so perhaps I don’t need to hear any more..
I just can’t STAND when someone gives me an excuse.
Can’t fucking BELIEVE it even.
And I hear them mostly from top leaders online, those that say they have their shit together, those that tell everyone that they’re quick action-takers (even give their communities shit if THEY don’t take action quickly).
And here they are, behind closed doors, listing off excuse after excuse about why they can’t be, do or have something that they want or need (or both!).
And I’m flat out SICK OF THAT SHIT.
To hell with you and your excuses about why you can’t wake up early.
FUCK OFF. Really? You’re tired? Oh well boo freakin’ hoo, SO ARE THE REST OF US, yet we still get up anyway and do what we were born to do.
And truthfully? We wouldn’t have it any other way. Suck it up!
To hell with you and your excuses about why it’s so hard for you to make money.
FUCK OFF. Want to know what’s ACTUALLY hard? Dealing with people like you! For fuck’s sake, how many times do I have to scream this before you will actually listen? MAKING MONEY IS REALLY FUCKING EASY. Stop making it so damn complicated!
There are really only a small handfull of things you need to know how to do, and then you just work on improving and getting better at those things every day and do you know what happens next? YOU MAKE MONEY.
And the money continues to flow, so long as you continue to eliminate the excuses from your life and you DO THE FREAKIN’ WORK.
To hell with you and your excuses about why you can’t sign up for a program/course/mentor/
FUCK OFF. The only thing stopping you is that you’re scared. I don’t care if you say the timing doesn’t work right now, or that OMG you’ve already committed to a million other things, or that you’ve got “a lot going on right now”, or that you just don’t have a single second/dollar/braincell left to spare!
Even though you know in your GUT you’re supposed to say YES, you keep saying no. Guess what? You’re dead to me. Don’t email me again. Don’t message me. Don’t even look in my direction. I just CAN’T with you.
To hell with you and your excuses about not being able to do the work.
FUCK OFF. Are you for real? What the hell are you actually DOING with your time that’s so much more important than showing up every day and living your purpose, speaking your truth, and being the best version of YOU that you could ever be?
What’s that? Your precious kids are more important? Your partner is complaining that you’re on the computer too much? Your family says you never have time for them anymore? Aww, poor you. You have some real problems. I feel so bad for you… NOT. Who I actually feel bad for is your LOVED ONES because you haven’t learned how to incorporate them into your life’s work in a way that makes EVERYONE happy and feel important.
You don’t have to choose your business or your family. You can choose to have both at the same damn time! It’s a choice. That’s all. Stop making the wrong one and maybe this will no longer be an excuse for you to avoid doing the work!
To hell with you and your excuses about not having the time to do what you need to do.
FUCK OFF. The time?? You don’t have the TIME? What about the 24 hours you get each day? Are you really telling me that EVERY SINGLE MINUTE of EVERY SINGLE DAY is spoken for? I don’t believe you.
How about you just stop wasting time on shit that isn’t important and start allocating time to what most definitely IS. The “I don’t have enough time” excuse is bullshit. And it proves that your priorities are all out of whack. Fix that shit.
I’m sick to DEATH of the goddamn excuses.
If I could tell you how many people I flat out IGNORED in the last week simply because they kept giving me BS excuses on everything, it would blow your mind.
They were starting to DRAIN ME! It was like I had to babysit them. And I ain’t no motherfucking babysitter. I’m here to support and empower my clients. To give them strategies on shit that WORKS, so that making excuses is no longer an option.
You don’t NEED to make excuses when you know what the hell you’re doing and you BELIEVE IN YOURSELF and love yourself enough to do the work, even when “the work” is the very last thing you want to do.
Because you know that by doing the work, you WILL be better.
And also?
Yeah, sometimes shit will hit the fan.
Sometimes things won’t work out the way you hope they will.
Sometimes bad things will happen in your life.
But if you’re like me? If you’re one of US? You don’t use it as an excuse. You use it as FUEL to your fire and you keep on burning!
You get back up again.
You keep on swinging.
You never, EVER give up.
You continue moving toward what you want.
Nothing stands in your way. Definitely not any god damn excuses!
To hell with you and all of your bullshit excuses. I don’t want to hear them. If you try to list off a bunch of reasons why you can’t, why you have to say NO, why you’re going AGAINST your gut feeling, I don’t want to talk to you.
I don’t want anyone in my life, ESPECIALLY clients, that use excuses.
Excuses are a waste of freakin’ time. How about instead of making excuses you actually did the work and ya know, got the results you keep complaining you can never get?
You’re driving me crazy.
And I know you’re driving YOU crazy, too.
So let’s commit right now, okay? NO MORE EXCUSES.
The next time you want to say YES to something, do it. Figure out HOW you’ll make it happen later. But say YES now. Commit. No excuses allowed.
The next time you want to DO something, do it. Don’t allow any excuses or any opinions other than your GUT tell you that you shouldn’t. Just do it. No excuses allowed.
The next time you’re about to sit down and do what you want to do and know you MUST do, just do it. Yes you DO have the time. Yes you DO have the money. Yes you DO have the ability. Do it now. No excuses allowed.
In fact, let’s just wipe the words “I can’t” out of your vocabulary right now. How about that? 🙂
I am DONE with anyone that wants to make an excuse. There is NO excuse valid around why you can’t continue to show up every day and be YOU. I don’t care what’s happening in your life, NO EXCUSES ALLOWED to avoid doing your soul’s work.
I’ve spent time in the hospital and still got online to write & sell & communicate with my tribe.
I’ve given birth (twice!) and nope, that didn’t stop me from showing up either.
I’ve had so many sicknesses and ailments, including kidney stones multiple times that had me crying on the bathroom floor for days from the pain, but I STILL DID THE WORK.
I’ve had people (and animals!) close to me die, sometimes unexpectedly, and even through my tears, I would create/write/sell/SHOW THE FUCK UP.
Even when it feels like I SHOULD take time to rest. Even when things feel out of control. Even when I just flat out don’t WANT TO do the work, I still show up every day and I DO IT.
People tell me I’m crazy.
People tell me I need to get my priorities right.
People tell me I’m a terrible mom/wife/friend/daughter.
And I could use all of that “feedback” to make myself a “better” person and start saying NO to doing the work some days. I could take time off. I could have a BREAK when I’m sick. I could stay offline during an emergency.
Except I won’t.
And to hell with anyone that believes they are acceptable in any circumstance. If that’s you, please kindly fuck off and go live your boring, normal life over there, away from me, I don’t want my mind to be contaminated by your thoughts and beliefs and EXCUSES.
If you want to ACTUALLY succeed, make money doing what you love, enjoy every freakin’ day of your life, then you’ve gotta drop the excuses immediately and commit to saying YES to what you know you need to say YES to.
Say YES to that new mentor.
Say YES to that trip away.
Say YES to waking up at 5am.
Say YES to writing daily.
Say YES to buying those shoes.
Say YES to joining that program
Say YES to firing that shitty client.
Say YES to going after what you want.
Stop saying “I would love to but ____________ (insert excuse here)” and start saying “HELL YES!” to the things you know in your gut you need to say YES to.
You’ll find that when you do this, opportunities start to present themselves that make HAVING that thing you want easier.
I know that every time I make a financial investment in myself, I will be financially rewarded. It happens every single time. I regularly invest in myself in large amounts when I don’t have the money sitting around, because THAT is when the universe steps in and basically leads you to the money to pay for said investment.
The other day I committed to $15,000 in additional expenses. Yesterday I received $17,427.24 in CASH from unexpected sources (clients that randomly decided to pay their remaining balance in full, cash back from my credit card company, plus a large refund from my phone company).
Coincidence? No. That’s the universe rewarding me for taking action on that HELL YES gut feeling I had enough the investment.
You just need to say YES and to do what you know you MUST do. Stop trying to figure out how you’ll find the time/money/space/whatever. That comes AFTER you’ve made the decision and avoided using those things as an excuse to not go for what you truly want.