Whatever is happening or NOT happening in your life is because of this one thing.

Whatever is happening or NOT happening in your life is because of this one thing.

I’m about to get real honest with you here, okay?

Whatever is happening or not happening in your life right now is because of YOU.

You are the one who creates your reality and it can be full of abundance or full of lack. 
Your thoughts create your reality. 
Your feelings create your reality. 
Your actions create your reality.


You can’t have negative thoughts AND a positive life. It’s just not possible.

Let me break it down for you real quick – 

If you don’t have what you want it’s because you’ve been focused on the LACK of it in your life (thoughts), which makes you feel mad/sad/frustrated (feelings), and in turn convinces you not to bother trying, or trying hard enough (actions), which landed you right where you are not, WITHOUT having what you want (reality).

You can’t blame other people that you don’t have what you want.

You can’t blame your circumstances that you don’t have what you want.

But do you want to know who you CAN blame?


Can I tell you something that just may change your life?

If you’re in any way thinking that you have to “work your way up” to where you want to be – 

Or you have to do X and Y before you’re allowed to have Z – 

Or that you need to follow some kind of PLAN to have what you want – 


You’re wrong. 🙂


In comes from believing and taking risks & big actions.

It comes from the way you think and feel (and from there, ACT).

It’s not rocket science. The way this works IS pretty simple. 

You just have to decide. Can you do that? Can you tell me what you REALLY want right now? Can you tell me how excited you are at the thought of actually having it?


1. Ask for what you want more often. But instead of just saying “pretty please can I have _____”, start demanding it and claiming it as yours, NOW. “I’m open to receive $30,000 a month, NOW.” or “I own my dream home and love it!”

2. Act as if you already have what you want. Buy furniture for that dream home. Tell your friends and family that you are hiring your perfect mentor this week. Express gratitude for what you want in your journaling as if you already have it.

3. BELIEVE that it’s yours. Visualize you having it. Engaging with/using/experiencing it (depending on what “it” is!). FEEL those feelings of having what you want while you’re visualizing it. Know that it is yours and that it’s on the way to you now.

4. Express gratitude for everything that you already have. Say thank you for the air you breathe. Say thank you for your health. Say thank you for your friends and family. Say thank you for every penny in your bank account. The more grateful you are, the more you receive. Express gratitude every day.

5. Take 10 actions every day that will get you closer to bringing what you want into your reality. 10 actions, even if they’re small, will make a WORLD of difference in terms of what you want actually arriving. 

Know this – 

There can be no external reason why you don’t have what you want.

It’s not the lack of knowledge. You can get that.
It’s not the lack of resources and people to help you. You can get that.
It’s not the lack of money. You can get that, too.

Do you want to know the real reason you don’t have that thing that you really, really want?

It’s because you haven’t made it a priority. It’s because you haven’t treated it as a serious, life or death, situation.

And until you to that, you’ll continue to not have what you want. You’ll continue to long for it and it will always be out of reach.

I say ALL the time that to get big results and have big success, you need to be committed. And while that’s definitely true, you also need to have made what you really want a PRIORITY.

Otherwise, your dreams of having it are always gonna be just that – 


I’m not saying it will be easy.
It will in fact be painful. 
But after the pain comes the pleasure of finally – 


Having exactly what you want.

You may need to take on a job in addition to your business in order to pay for the support you need to succeed and make more money.
You may need to wake up earlier and stay up later in order to get done everything that must be completed.
You may need to allow yourself to be even more raw and vulnerable with your community so you can connect with them more. 

You will probably make some mistakes at first – 

You will probably be working your damn ass off what seems like CONSTANTLY – 

But the faster you just START – 

The faster you start doing these things – 

The faster you just decide to make this a non-freakin’-negotiable PRIORITY – 

The faster you WILL have what you want.

I did this to make my first $10K in a new business.
I did this to find & hire a full-time content manager.
I did this to travel business class for the first time.
I did this to buy my dream vehicle that I’m so in love with.
I did this to make $50K a month consistently.
I did this to attract soulmate clients into my life.
I did this to hire my mentors (and pay in full!).

I did this to create everything in my life. 

And you can do the same. 

Just decide. Commit. Make it a priority. And then do the freaking work.

You WILL get there. It WILL happen. And the time is NOW.

Don’t forget – 

You really can be, do and have EVERYTHING you want. Take action now!