I think one of the saddest things is when you don’t allow yourself to have, be, do and experience the things you want in life. 

I think the conditioning we’re brought up with around wanting MORE being a bad thing, is devastating. 

And I think the fact that we accept less than what we really desire is one of the greatest of our failures. 

It’s possible to have what you want, and then some.

It’s possible to do what you want, or better.

It’s all possible, and it’s possible now. 

The problem is that you haven’t given yourself permission.

Permission to dream a bigger dream and go after it.
Permission to ask for what you want, and expect it.
Permission to do what you feel called to do, with no explanation of why you’re doing it.

Permission to be you.

Permission to receive. 

All this holding back, playing small, acting as though you’re HAPPY where you’re at and with what you have, when you really just are NOT. 

When are you gonna see that this is not a good look on you?

All this SAYING and none of the EXPECTING and therefor, none of the RECEIVING. 

You can’t receive something you want if you’re not expecting to get it. 

And you can’t receive something you’re expecting if you don’t first ALLOW yourself to receive it in the first place. 

You can’t receive the things you want without first allowing yourself to receive in general, and then allowing yourself to receive the very specific thing that you want. 

I recognized yesterday that I wasn’t allowing myself to receive what I want from my book launch (to be on the Washington Post best-seller list, and an Amazon best-seller).

I was playing small, thinking I’d get a few copies out there and into the world, and that was good enough. 

“I’m not doing it for the money, so I don’t really care how many I sell”, I said to my team, who asked what my goal was. 

And no, I’m not doing it for the money (making money writing books is a joke, unless you’re J.K. Rowling), but I do still want to sell a ton of copies so that my work can be read by way more people.

So that my message can be heard by a larger group of people than I could ever reach just by posting on the internet every day.

Not to mention the credibility that comes along with having a published book, and of course, the best part – 

The simple “cool factor” of knowing you are a PUBLISHED AUTHOR. #allthefeels

So I set my sights higher. I dreamt bigger. And I asked for (and expect) what I desire - 2 best-seller lists. 5,000 copies sold in the first 7 days. 

And I know it’s a done deal. I have zero doubt. 

I’m ALLOWING myself to receive this. Not because I’ve “earned it” (I have), not because I think I “deserve it” (I do), but because it’s what’s meant to happen.

It’s what was always meant to happen. 

And so it is.  

I have no idea where we are with sales (Amazon doesn’t update until books have physically shipped), but I’ve had hundreds of emails/messages come through about purchases being made. 

Of course. As it should be. 

The receiving is ON. For this, for that, for everything. Always. 

Receiving is a choice, and it’s a choice that must be made. You can’t just hope something happens. You must allow yourself to receive (choose it), and then EXPECT it. 

In every area, in all ways, all day, every day.

When you allow yourself to receive, the receiving can begin. Until then, you will continue to want and want and want, but never truly HAVE.

Are you ready to HAVE – 

The things
The people
The money
The experiences
The freedom

ALL that you so desire?

Are you ready to RECEIVE? Now? 

Okay then! Choose it.