How Often You Should Be Selling + My Sales Strategy 

How Often You Should Be Selling + My Sales Strategy 

Do you want to get paid?

Then you’d better get used to selling!

I’ve heard from so many people that they don’t want to sell “too much” because they’re afraid their community will think they’re –

Too salesy

Too pushy

Too annoying

Too desperate

I used to believe this crap too, for way too long, and my income reflected this.

Now, as I sell all day, every single day, unapologetically, I make so much more money that people are still shocked when they hear me say the numbers out loud. And I’m not even close to where I want to be yet. 

My point is this –

If you want to make more, you need to sell more.

But at the same time, give VALUE when you sell. You can’t just show up every day and constantly shout at people to “buy my thing, buy my thing, buy my thing!”, because that, in fact, IS salesy, pushy, annoying and comes off as very desperate.

Instead, what you want to do, is along with you SELLING all day long, you’re also giving VALUE all day long.

Any type of free content you can put out there, you need to do it. Daily. No excuses.

Blog posts



Podcast episodes


Instagram Stories

Twitter tweets

Pinterest pins

Instagram photo or video

Content is KING, it’s always been king, it will always be king. Which means you need to make content a priority every single day.

I schedule a minimum of 60 minutes a day on paid content creation and free content creation. I also show up throughout the day, as I normally do, to get some IG stories in, to tweet something, to give value in my Facebook group, etc..


And don’t get caught up in what to sell or how much to sell or when to sell, start with just SELLING.

Start now.

There are a ton of different things you can do every day, but none of them will make you money if you don’t get your sales shit sorted.

I remember when I first started my coaching business and the idea of selling terrified me. I believed that if I gave free, valuable content long enough, people would eventually come to me and buy from me, but - NOPE.

Not the case.

What happened instead was I ended up with a lot of people telling me they wanted to work with me but couldn’t “afford it”. I had a lot of people take my free content and do nothing with it because they weren’t invested.

I ended up just getting by instead of making the tens of thousands of dollars I wanted to be making every month.

I ended up feeling resentful of my community.

And then one day something just shifted for me. I was sick and tired of being taken advantage of. Sick and tired of giving, giving, giving, and never getting anything in return.

From that day forwarded, I declared to myself that I was going to OWN my worth, I would accept no less than my worth, and I was not going to be so fucking nice about giving everything away anymore.

I started selling every day. And it was scary. And it made me feel weird. And I…

Get this…


It’s true, the more you sell, the more money you make. Amazing how that works, huh?

What I’ve experienced is that if you give VALUE while you’re selling, you don’t get complaints from people about you selling all the time.

In fact, they usually end up with the feeling like they need to pay you for all the free stuff you’ve given them! And so they sign up for your next offer, and your next, and your next –

And the next thing you know, you have a raving fan on your hands, who can’t get enough of you and everything you sell!

You need to know that people need you.

People are looking for someone JUST LIKE YOU to help them.

They’re searching for you. Make things easy by searching for (and selling to) them, too.

It’s not about selling and taking money from someone. It’s about creating something that will help them and make an impact in their lives. It’s leaving your dent in the universe (thanks, Jobs!) and getting paid for it.

And there ain’t nothing wrong with that.