How To Get Ahead In Your Business

How To Get Ahead In Your Business

I’m willing to bet you’re doing ALL THE WORK.

You’re probably hustling your ass off! 
You’re religiously writing in your journal every day.
You’re consistently creating content for your peeps.
You’re engaging in your community. 
You’re growing your list. 
And yes! You’re selling all day, every day, too!

But you STILL


Listen –

I’m gonna give it to you straight and you’re probably not gonna like what I have to say, but it’s the truth and I’m only saying it to help you, so hear me out:


You are completely and utterly FUCKED.

Here’s why: It’s REALLY damn easy to continue to get ahead. To continue to make more money. To continue to grow your presence. To continue to increase your awareness. To continue to get what you want in your business/life (SAME/SAME!).

And if you aren’t able to do so, you’ve got some resistance problems around letting in what you want. You’re not allowing it to be yours.

And if you’re not allowing yourself to have what you want, YOU.ARE.FUCKED.

Now –

That’s not to say you can’t get un-fucked. You can absolutely change your ways.

The problem is? Most people won’t. Being OKAY with how things are (Sure! I would like to be more successful, but I’m doing OKAY, and things are easy, so I’ll just keep doing what I’m doing and hope things get better.) is a cop-out.

That shit ain’t gonna fly.

You will NOT get what you want when you are willing to settle with what already is.

You have to give yourself permission to FUCK SHIT UP, make some noise, jump in, get your hands dirty, take risks, and REALLY go for what you want.

Allowing yourself to settle is one of the biggest sins you could make against yourself. So let’s not do that shit, okay?