How To Make Money Every Single Day

How To Make Money Every Single Day

I used to think that setting monthly goals was enough.

I’d happily sit down and write out my financial goal every month and would confidently proclaim –

“This is now how much money I make every month!”


Then I wouldn’t. Make that much money, I mean.

It wasn’t because my goal was unreasonable. It wasn’t because it was out of reach. And it certainly wasn’t because I didn’t do the work.

It was because I was focused on the MONTHLY goal, instead of the daily and weekly goals that needed to happen before the big monthly goal could be achieved.

I often would set goals and at the end of week 1, be all “oh, I have tons of time, so it’s okay that I’m super far away from my goal!”.

At the end of week 2 is when I’d start taking things more seriously because “holy shit, it’s already the middle of the month and I am not even CLOSE to my goal!”.

By the end of week 3, I’m having panic attacks and beating myself up about being a terrible business woman.

And by the end of the month, not only have I not reached my money goal, but I haven’t even REMOTELY come close to hitting it!

At least, that’s how things USED to be when it came to setting my money goals.

Last year, I noticed this pattern and decided to shake things up. I made a commitment that I would do whatever was necessary to make money EVERY day, which meant it would be easier to hit my monthly goals (I also decided to set weekly goals, in addition to monthly and daily goals).

From month #1 of this new strategy, I was making more money in my business.

It also made selling FUN again, as I love a challenge, and I found it challenging to make sales every day (in the beginning, at least).

Now, monthly, weekly, and DAILY money goals are normal for me.

Each morning when I do my money work, I set an income intention for the day. I may not always hit it, but I ALWAYS make money each day, and 9 times out of 10, it’s damn close to the intention that I’ve set.

If you want to call yourself “successful”

And you want to EXPLODE your wealth –

And you want to see money coming in on the daily –

You need to get your systems in place to make that a reality. Because no matter how impossible it may seem to make daily sales, I’m telling you that not only is it possible, but it’s so crazy simple that you’re gonna be smacking yourself for not doing this sooner!


Set an income intention every morning

This is the single most crucial thing I do every morning when it comes to income generation. If I don’t have a target to shoot for, then often nothing ever happens at all (financially speaking). So make sure you set an income intention every morning before getting down to business.

How much money do you want to make today? Why that amount? What is the money for? (Another important thing to note: Don’t set money goals that just “sound” good. Have a particular reason for the amount of money you’re asking for and you’re more likely to receive it!)

5x sales activities per day (or more)

Brainstorm a list of 20 or more different sales activities that you can choose from every day. This could be anything from reaching out to a potential client, creating a sales page, launching a new offer, or sending a sales email.

Choose at least 5 sales activities to do per day, not including setting your income intention for that day. Then, set a timer and hustle your ass off, getting those sales activities DONE! Choose different sales activities each day to keep things interesting.

Get into the right money mindset

Before you sell anything, particularly if you feel resistance when it comes to making more money, do some mindset work around money.

If you aren’t in the right headspace when you send a sales email or write a Facebook post promoting your new offer, people will sense that, it will freak them out or turn them off (or both!), and they’ll run AWAY from your offer, instead of right to it.

What I like to do is right before I’m going to do my sales activities, I get out my journal and write out at least one full page of money affirmations.

These are the beliefs about money that I would like to have (or do have - the positive ones). This gets me into an excited, “rich”, mindset, which makes selling easier than if I felt the “OMG, I really hope this sells, I need to make money!” feelings!

The fortune is in the follow-up

Don’t neglect those that have once shown an interest in working with you, but for whatever reason, never did. I’ve noticed that with most of the people I have followed up with, they didn’t not sign-up for your offer because they decided they didn’t want to, but because they simply forgot to do so.

This happened to me twice already this week, which resulted in over $25,000 in cash I would have left on the table had I just assumed those clients were no longer interested.

One actually responded to my follow up message saying “thanks for reminding me, no questions except what’s the payment link?”. 

All that to say: Following up with those that have already shown an interest in working with you is one of your BIGGEST money-making opportunities. Don’t skip it. (Aim to follow-up with at least one person per day.)

Set up automated/recurring income streams

The more money you can make with minimal effort, the better, and the quicker you get those income streams up and running, the happier you’ll be.

I’m not saying you can just automate everything and BOOM, you’re rich, and never have to work a day again in your life –

What I’m saying is that the more income streams you have, the more money you will make, and the more of them are automated, the more time you will free up for yourself (to focus on the other income streams that AREN’T automated).

Take a look at all of your past content from the last 4-6 weeks. Did you talk about something in particular A LOT that you could turn into a passive income product? Do you have YEARS worth of content you could put into a membership site and charge a monthly fee for?

Yes, you can create NEW offers for automated income, but first, take a look at what you already have and use that. THEN, add to it.

Give your audience multiple opportunities

There are some people that want to work with you at a high-level (likely 1:1 or the equivalent).

There are some people that want to work with you in a group setting.

And there are some people that just want to learn from your content, but not necessarily from you directly.

This is why it’s important to have multiple different options available for ways to work with you, and at various different price points, as it allows you to reach people where they’re at.

And more often than not, once someone buys 1 thing from you, they will buy another, and then another, and then another..

So give them multiple opportunities and offers to say YES to!

Stop making this whole online empire stuff so complicated. It’s really not.

You have a message to share. You have support and guidance to give. And it’s your damn responsibility to put it out there for the world to see (and enjoy)!

But if you do that, and you aren’t allowing yourself to get paid (ya know, by actually offering something for sale every once in a while?), you will NEVER GET PAID.

So commit right now –

That you will honor yourself. You will honor your skills. You will honor the message you know you were born to share. And you will honor your community by giving them the opportunity to learn from you.

And then?

Go and do that. Right now.

Don’t forget –

You really can be, do and have EVERYTHING you want. Take action now!