I know your secret

I know your secret

I know your secret. 

I know what you’ve been keeping from everyone, likely even from yourself, for weeks now. 

You’ve been slacking. Again. You just don’t feel like putting in the extra effort if you aren’t getting the results you want. And I can tell you why that is:

Because you don’t feel excited. You just don’t feel like it. How could you when it feels like you’re doing a ton of work for nothing???

But if you think about it, that’s pretty ridiculous, because if you know deep down that if you just did what you didn’t “feel like” doing, if you put yourself out there and actually did the freaking work, regardless of your FEELINGS, you would end up getting those results, which would lead you to then being excited and wanting to do MORE.

And let me just tell you – 

I know what it’s like to feel as though you’re busting your ass all day, every day, doing all the things you’re told you “should” do, and STILL not feeling satisfied with the results you get from that effort. I’ve spent a TON of time doing things I knew I had to do, but was often pissed off at the lack of results for the hundreds of hours I was investing – 

Once I got into learning about mindset work and how crucial it was to my success, I did some digging around in my head to try and figure out why, after doing so much work, I was still not making the money I wanted to be making. What I learned was that I was too focused on TRYING to make more money, instead of CALLING IN more money, considering it done, and taking aligned action to make the money physically appear. 

My energy was of lack, scarcity, fear, and frustration. NO WONDER I wasn’t able to attract more money into my life! 

I was also attracting the WRONG kind of people into my life with this kind of mindset – 

Those who were bad with money
Those who HAD no money
Those who complained all the time
Those who were lazy and wanted results without putting in the work

It was a nightmare. But then I found my crazy hippie mindset coach and she turned my life around. 🙂 I’m now able to attract ANYTHING I want into my life, with ease. Money, people, experiences, objects – 

Really, anything! 

The way to get through the resistance you’re feeling right now is to be even MORE resistant to what would happen if you STOPPED taking action (which would be an even LESSER chance that you’d get those big results you want). 

That said – 

You need to commit. Right now. For real this time!

This is serious.
This is your LIFE.
This is your FUTURE.
Your family’s future.

Stop being so goddamn irresponsible with the way you spend your time.

It’s time to do what’s right. What you KNOW is right. What you should have done all along.

You know – 

If you WOULD HAVE been doing it all along, you’d be in a much better place than you are now: 


Be honest: You’ve wasted a lot of time just fucking around with your head in the sand.

Wasting it on tasks that aren’t important, like building your website, stalking others on Facebook and comparing their success to yours (don’t say you never do this!), dealing with customer service issues, and other tasks that can be delegated or dropped altogether.

Wasting it worrying and thinking negatively about that’s currently happening or about what COULD possibly happen.

Wasting it by giving in to the devil on your shoulder, who’s giving you all the excuses in the world to take time away, to give up, to quit!

Wasting it trying to plan out every last detail of how you’re gonna be successful. 

Except, no. That’s not how it works. Success cannot be planned so rigidly. You must have a starting point, some goals, and then it’s just a matter of commiting to that, learn how to weave & zigzag and tackle issues as they arise, where you will ultimately push through. 

Having a super strict plan that you “must” follow is NOT for us creative types. A super strict plan is like a prison! It’s like someone telling us what we can and can’t do, and there’s no way in hell we’re cool with someone other than US being the boss!

So commit. right now. And stick to your commitments, because that’s the only way you are going to achieve what you set out to do. 

I’m recommiting today, too. I believe it’s important to do this regularly so that you don’t fall off track with your goals. I know that when I set my commitments, I follow the fuck through. Because when I don’t? NO ONE is happy. I’m not happy because I didn’t make money or change any lives, my clients are not happy because they didn’t get the support they needed.. everyone suffers!

Here are my commitments:

I commit to daily visibility in a BIG way, that I will track to make sure it gets done.

I commit to asking for more every day. I am open to receive more, now!

I commit to spend time daily, in my head, with my thoughts, through journaling or otherwise.

I commit to learning more, reading more, implementing & testing more, in a way that I will track to make sure it gets done.

I commit to reading at least 24 books in 2017.

I commit to creating content daily, above and beyond my mega message. I will make sure this additional content is on my daily to-do list to ensure it . gets done.

I commit to sharing more through video and livestreams daily, shooting and livestreaming every week or more. 

I commit to seeing others’s success as inspiration instead of comparing myself to them and feeling like shit.

I commit to tracking my money every day, my net worth every day, and setting daily money goals.

I commit to writing down 10 sales activities daily and completing them all. I will track this to make sure they all get done.

I commit to writing out my dream life daily, which will get me into a high-vibe state.

I commit to writing out positive money affirmations daily, which will also help me get into a high-vibe state.

I commit to doing whatever it takes to live the life I want.

I commit to my dreams. I commit to me. 

These things are all easy to say. They’re all easy to write down. But how do you know if you’re actually doing them and following through? You TRACK. Track it all. Do a daily check-in at the end of the day and make sure that you fulfilled your commitments. If not, do it straight away and don’t stop until you’re done!

The fears you have right now are all in your head. And when you resist doing what you need to do to bring your dreams to life, you are letting fear win. And fear WILL win every single time you give it permission to.

In other words – 

It’s up to you to make a change. You have to be willing to do scary things to reap the rewards you so badly want. You must stand up to the bullies (the negative thoughts, the fear, the uncertainty) and take action every single day. 

You know that you’ve been slacking. 

The good news is that you can make a decision right now to turn it all around and start moving forward instead of always moving back. What will you choose?

Don’t forget – 

You really can be, do and have EVERYTHING you want. Take action now!