Sometimes I wonder if I’m the only person who feels the way I do.
That insatiable PULL from inside of me.
That gnawing at my insides to release what I feel.
When I watch other people living their lives, I notice that it usually goes a little something like this –
Wake up (unwillingly)
Eat breakfast (sometimes)
Go to work (again, unwillingly)
Hate your life for 8+ hours
Come back home
Make dinner (boxed Mac & Cheese, anyone? Mama’s tired!)
Veg out on the couch for a few hours
Go to bed later than you probably should
Wake up and do it all over again
I’m not saying EVERYONE lives like this, of course, but MOST do. And I’m sure there are some people who actually LOVE their job and LOVE that this is what their life looks like. And if that’s the case, AWESOME. I’m happy for those people. If that’s what success looks like to them, they should keep it up.
But for me –
And this is where I often feel like an outsider to most people –
That’s simply not enough.
I want MUCH more than that.
I want the multiple $100-Million dollar company.
I want the private jet and luxury travel.
I want the reality TV show that gets picked up for 5+ seasons.
I want the family business.
I want the high-end team that works with me.
I want the gorgeous house on the beach.
I want the sexy vehicles in my driveway.
I want the animal sanctuary and charity.
I want to big the biggest donor to my other favorite charities.
I want the private schooling for my kids.
I want the high-end clothing that makes me feel amazing.
I want the ability to do whatever the fuck I want, whenever the fuck I want.
I get that it’s a lot, I KNOW this, and really, this is just SOME of the stuff I want. I want MORE, of course. And to some, this may seem greedy. I’m sure that at least one person reading this is going to remind me that there are starving children in Africa that need money more than I need my private jet. And they’ll assume I’m not already working with charities to help them and will call me selfish.
Because they don’t understand.
They just don’t GET, that the more you have, the more you can help others. And that’s what it’s all about. Having a fuck-ton of money will buy you short-term happiness, but won’t do much for you long-term, unless you do something with your money that will make a difference in the lives of others.
And this is the kind of stuff I think MOST people want (maybe not everything, but lots of stuff on this list), but they just won’t TALK about.
We’ve been brought up to believe that wanting money is a BAD thing. That talking about money is rude, even! No wonder so many people have a fucked up relationship with money.
So a lot of the time –
I feel ALONE in this world. I feel like I’m the only person who sees success as my obligation, who chases the money day after day after day, because I know that the more money I have, the more good I can do in the world.
I think of the animals that are suffering.
The people who are suffering.
Even family that is close to me who are suffering.
And it drives me.
The fucking MONEY doesn’t drive me. My ability to be of more HELP to others is what drives me.
So I get up every day, I hustle my ass off, I do what others won’t because they’re lazy and full of excuses, and I GET. IT. DONE.
Because this is about more than just me. This is about making a serious impact in the lives of MILLIONS. I know I was put on this earth to make that difference. We were ALL put on this earth to make a difference.
Do you know what difference you were put on this earth to make?
Do you know, deep in your core, what you were born for?
What are you PASSIONATE about? And how can you turn that passion into dollars so you can make that difference?
That’s the only question that really matters. The only thing you need to focus on every day: How do I turn my passion into dollars so I can make a big difference in the world?
THIS is what will get you out of bed in the morning (happily!)
THIS is what will motivate you to hustle like you mean it
THIS is what will inspire incredible ideas that will make you money
THIS is what will, without a doubt, change the way you live your life
Find your passion.
Find your purpose.
Put the two together and make a difference AND make amazing money at the same time!
Today, write a list of 15 or more things you want. Physical items, money, all of that –
But also –
The difference you want to make + how.
This is something you really need to be doing every day, in addition to your regular journaling.
For example, here’s what I wrote in my journal today –
I am rich!
I have so much money that I could never spend it all, even if I tried.
I have an amazing CFO and accountant.
I own and operate an incredible animal sanctuary that rescues animals regularly.
I always have insane amounts of money left over after I pay my bills, that I can use to help others and myself.
I have no issue making millions of dollars every year.
The more money I make, the more people & animals I can help.
I am a money magnet, for real!
I receive over $5,000 cash every day.
I respect money and treat it well.
I always have incredible ideas that come to life, just like THAT.
I am a content machine, which is fun and easy for me!
I love to create more & more to help my community.
These are just a few of what came out this morning. I often write over 50; sometimes more. I just write and write, until nothing else wants to come out.
There is no right or wrong way to do this, just make sure you’re being clear about what you actually want! If you don’t know exactly what you want, you’re gonna have a hard time obtaining it.
Write this list, commit to doing it EVERY DAY, and start taking that aligned action and REALLY acting on the inspired ideas that come up throughout your days, so you can actually start receiving everything that’s on your list of wants.
Because this is how your life should REALLY look –
Wake up (with excitement)
Eat breakfast (or get a drink)
Release what’s inside of you (journaling)
Share your message
Ask for the sale
Create, create, create
Be super visible and show up EVERYWHERE throughout the day
Go to bed feeling fulfilled and happy
Repeat every day of the week
Doesn’t that sound so much more fun? Let’s make THAT your goal, okay? Because that is EXACTLY what you need to do to be successful and create the life you want, do the big things in the world you want to do, make a huge impact, and help A LOT of people in the process (including yourself and your family).
Don’t forget –
You really can be, do and have EVERYTHING you want. Take action now!