When I do this, my success skyrockets!

So people don’t agree with you - so what? 

So they look at you and complain about how you said something, why you said something, or the thing you said itself wasn’t good enough for them. It was mean. It was boring. It was annoying. It made no sense. It wasn’t funny. 





So people talk crap about you behind your back  - so what?

So people told someone else that you were a bad business woman, bad coach, bad PERSON - so what?

So people gave you the angry face on your latest Facebook post… LOL - so what?

So people said mean things about you - so what?

Are you gonna let them stop you? Are you gonna back off what you came here to do, because your feelings got a little hurt? 

Are you gonna allow the thoughts and opinions of others slow you down, or knock you off course?

One hard truth you need to understand is that with success comes ridicule. The more successful you are, the more haters will pop up and try to run you down. 

Good news though!

You don’t have to give a fuck.

You don’t have to pay any attention to anyone you don’t wanna pay attention to - and the best people to ignore are the people that try to tear you down. 

In fact, the more attention you give to those who are so AGAINST you, what you stand for, what you believe, the more you’re letting them win. And the more you’re allowing yourself to be pushed around. 

Why are you standing for that shit?

Why are you giving permission to others to feed you this bullshit that you’re not good enough, that you’re wrong, that you should apologize for being who you are. 

Fuck aplogizing! You are who you are and you need to own it. Be okay with who you are - love who you are - and share who you are with the world, because the right people will always show up.

The funny thing about success is that the more polarizing you are, the more successful you become. The more you stand firm in who you are and don’t give two fucks about anyone that doesn’t agree with you, the easier success becomes for you. 

It wasn’t until I gave up caring what people think about me, my ideas, what I say.. that success started happening a lot easier for me. 

In short: The less fucks I gave, the more successful I became. 

There was a period around 2 years ago that I got sick and tired of always getting so upset when someone would say something nasty about me, or would tell me that I was doing something wrong and should change my ways, that I finally threw in the towel of trying to please everyone.

I started to speak my mind. I mean, REALLY speak my mind.

There was a lot of calling people out on their bullshit. They didn’t like that. LOL

There was a lot of profanity… because hello - that’s how I speak anyway. #bornapottymouth

I started saying things that I’d been keeping inside because I thought it would be “rude” to say out loud. I was so pre-occupied with making everyone happy, that I kinda forgot who I was. And the person that I’d become was not someone I was proud of, or that I resonated with. 

So I kicked that bitch to the curb and welcomed in the real me. The me that was there all along, but that was in hiding. She was freeeeeeee - she IS free now. And so, as I show up every day and speak my truth, I polarize. 

I say the right things to the right people and the wrong things to the wrong people, saying one thing at a time.

No matter what I say, there will always be at least one person who is offended by it. These are not my people and they’re welcome to leave at any time, and I encourage them to do to so. 🙂 

What I’m trying to say here is: 

Fuck the haters. 

And also: 

Do your own thing anyway. Regardless of what others think of it, or you. 

Say what’s on your mind. Say it loud and proud and don’t give two shits about who doesn’t like it. 

FILTER, FILTER, FILTER. Let ’em go. #peaceout

You attract your true, ideal peeps when you show up unapologetically as you and continue doing so all day, every day, no matter what. In fact, the scarier it is to say, the more you should say it. The more you’re worried about what others may say about it, the more it needs to be said. 

The problem these days is that everyone is so fucking scared to say what they really want to say, and so they say something that’s not really what they want to say, or worse - they say nothing at all. And the world goes another day without hearing your message.

Isn’t it time that you finally stood up for what you believe in?

Don’t you think it’s your RIGHT to say what you REALLY think? (Hint: It is.)

Aren’t you sick and tired of keeping your mouth shut on things you’re really passionate about?

And when it comes to MONEY, and why people aren’t buying from you, it’s not because your offer sucks, but because you haven’t sold them on YOU yet. That’s pretty hard to do when you aren’t showing up fully as you, ya know. 😉 

So what now?

What’s the next step?

What do you need to DO?

Well, it’s pretty simple actually. You just need to open your mouth and say what you REALLY think. Start today. Say it now. And don’t hold back.