Weekly Schedule

Weekly Schedule

Have you ever sat down at your computer, determined to get the most out of your day, only to look at the clock hours later and realize you’ve spent hours “working”, but didn’t accomplish a damn thing?

Me too.

That’s why I had to put a daily routine & weekly schedule in place. Having this daily routine sets my day up for success. No more chit chatting on Facebook for hours. No more reading blog posts all day and not implementing the things I learn. No more wasting time online.

I’m now able to accomplish SO MUCH in my days - and despite what many assume - I absolutely do NOT spend all day online.

Today I want to share with you the daily routines I have in place, to give you an idea of how you can start to structure your days to get more done in less time.

First off: I use a combination of Google calendar, weekly to-do lists (written on paper) and daily to-do lists (written on paper). Those are the only things I use to keep my tasks and to-do’s organized.


* 6am - Wake up, shower, take my vitamins, drink water, tackle ONE big task from my daily to-do list

* 7am - Wake kids up, make & eat breakfast, pack lunches, get everyone dressed and out the door for school

* 9am - Be of service in Facebook Groups and/or promote discovery calls or a new offering

* 9:15am - Random work (live call outlines, content for new offering, behind the scenes biz stuff, emails, communicating with my team)

* 10am - Do stuff around the house, play with my daughter, relax

* 12pm or 12:30pm - Lunch

* 1pm or 1:30pm - Be of service in Facebook Groups and/or promote discovery calls or a new offering

* 1:30pm or 2pm - Do stuff around the house, play with my daughter, relax

* 3pm - Pick up my son from school

* 4pm - Be of service in Facebook Groups and/or promote discovery calls or a new offering

* 4:15pm - Random work (live call outlines, content for new offering, behind the scenes biz stuff, emails, communicating with my team, etc.)

* 5pm - Cook and eat dinner

* 6:30pm - Clean up after dinner, relax, play with my kids, showers for the kids

* 7:30pm - Kids bedtime routine

* 8:30pm - Relax, prepare for the next day (write out my to-do list)

* 9:30pm-10pm - Bedtime


Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday:

* 6am - Wake up, shower, take my vitamins, drink water, tackle ONE big task from my daily to-do list

* 7am - Wake kids up, make & eat breakfast, pack lunches, get everyone dressed and out the door for school

* 9am - Exercise

* 9:30am - Client calls or Discovery calls

* 12:30pm - Lunch

* 1:30pm - Random work (live call outlines, content for new offering, behind the scenes biz stuff, emails, communicating with my team, etc.)

* 2pm - Be of service in Facebook Groups and/or promote discovery calls or a new offering

* 2:30pm - Relax

* 3pm - Pick up my son from school

* 4pm - Be of service in Facebook Groups and/or promote discovery calls or a new offering

* 4:15pm - Random work (live call outlines, content for new offering, behind the scenes biz stuff, emails, communicating with my team, etc.)

* 5pm - Cook and eat dinner

* 6:30pm - Clean up after dinner, relax, play with my kids, showers for the kids

* 7:30pm - Kids bedtime routine

* 8:30pm - Relax, prepare for the next day (write out my to-do list)

* 9:30pm-10pm - Bedtime


Saturday, Sunday:

* 7am (sometimes 8am) - Wake up, exercise, shower, take my vitamins, drink water, make & eat breakfast

* 9am - Tackle ONE big task from my daily to-do list

* 10am - Meal prep or chores

* 12am - Random errands OR spend time with family

* 1pm - Lunch

* 2pm - Spend time with family, sometimes posting in Facebook groups during this time, do stuff around the house, relax

* 5pm - Cook and eat dinner

* 6pm - Clean up after dinner, relax, play with my kids, showers for the kids

* 7:30pm - Kids bedtime routine

* 8:30pm - Relax, prepare for the week ahead AND the next day (write out my to-do lists)

* 9:30pm-10pm - Bedtime

This is the general “schedule” that I follow each day. As you can see, I try to keep things the same as much as possible, and my schedule is pretty “loose”, just in case things come up - it just makes life so much easier, especially with young kids.

Sidenote: There are some days I’ll have a client call or discovery call in the afternoon. There are some days I have a live training. There are some days I take the entire day off, just because I want to. There are times I NEED to take the entire day off because I have a sick kid at home (like today).

My daughter is in daycare 4 days per week and my son is at school every day, so I have a lot of time to work on my business each week.

If you have kids that need to be home with you every day (I was there at one point, too!), I invite you to steal as many moments to work as you can, without sacrificing time with your kids. You may need to start waking up earlier or going to bed later, but it’s possible to have a successful business even with young kids at home with you.


It’s all about having solid routines in place and staying consistent with them as best you can.


I hope you found this peek at my weekly schedule to be helpful. I’d love if you shared.

