For some reason, I get an incredible rush and feeling of joy when I find out that I’m the first customer at Starbucks.
I usually come a few days during the week, while the kids are at school and I just wanna be out of the house and around other humans (so long as they don’t try to TALK to me or anything).
I get extra excited when I can come in the morning on a Saturday, ’cause the hustle don’t stop, and working from home, even if everyone else is still asleep, is a challenge with the distractions and the strong desire to go back into bed where it’s warm and cozy.
So here I am, doing my thang, writing and creating and unleashing, while I play hip hop before 7am, loudly in my headphones, and the world buzzes around me.
Most people are scrolling on their phones. Some people are reading the newspaper. I’m click click clicking away on my laptop and shooting 15-second videos for IG stories.
And we’re all doing what the flow guides us to do.
I’ve never had a desire to live a “regular” life, where Monday-Friday, 9-5, I go to my JOB, and then on the weekend I’m “free” and sleep in, watch TV, go shooping, and then do it all over again when the next week begins.
I much prefer the lifestyle of the “always on”, the vibe of the entrepreneur has always run deep in my soul and from a very young age, I knew this was my soul path.
Even when I was really young, I knew that I was going to be working for myself, running a large business, employing hundreds of people, changing the world in some way, enjoying incredible wealth (financial and otherwise), doing life on my terms.
Sometimes I have to pinch myself that all of that (except for the employing hundreds part!) is now my reality.
This is simply because I was clear on what I wanted, expected it to happen, and then took consistent action on it every day.
Even on the days when I didn’t want to.
Even when everyone around me told me I was crazy.
Even when I was tired.
Even in the moments when it felt impossible.
Even when I didn’t have a clue what to DO.
I just showed up. I spoke my mind. I took some kind of action. I made consistent effort. I didn’t stop. Even when my body rejected my idea of the hustle and put me in the hospital. I just got better and then kept on going.
The truth is –
I don’t honestly like the idea of slowing down, of relaxing, of “taking it easy”. It makes me want to vomit in my mouth a little. It’s just… repulsive. Don’t you think?
I mean, yes, of course it’s crucial for your health that you sleep, that you take care of your body and your mind, that you give yourself moments to breathe. And I believe that. And I do that. And I preach that.
But what I don’t actually believe you need to take a “social media detox” (the fuck???) in order to take care of your health.
Un-popular opinion:
I believe that if you need to take a break from your business, you’re in the wrong business.
You don’t need to sleep more.
You need to be true to your SOUL more.
You need to act based on soul guidance more.
You need to trust your intuition about your actions more.
You need to do what fuels you more.
I am often told that I’m a work-a-holic (even today at Starbucks, someone looked at me confused when they saw me pull my laptop out and said “working on a Saturday?”… what the fuck do you want me to do Brian? Sleep in? For what?), simply because I love to work.
And the reason I love to work is because I love what I do. And the reason I love what I do is because all I actually do is just WHATEVER THE FUCK I WANT.
I’m told that I need to slow down.
That I need to stop being “so obsessed” with my business.
“Don’t you want a vacation?”, they ask.
“Don’t you want to take a break from working all the time?”
Um.. no.
Maybe if I was doing some bullshit job that I hated. Then yes, please save me! But.. not only is my job not something I hate, but it’s not really a JOB either.
I get paid for it, but I don’t really actually DO anything that most would see as “tasks” you’d normally get paid for.
I come to Starbucks and drink lattes.
I talk to badasses on Voxer.
I write about whatever I feel like.
I travel and play around the world.
I spend hours every day with my family & friends.
And the money rolls in.
Because I’m obsessed.
Because I don’t stop.
Because I’m a work-a-holic (I guess?).
Because I do the thing that fuels me and fills me with absolute joy - whatever I feel called to do in each moment.
Success Tip: Do whatever the fuck you want that feels like absolute bliss.
This is when you are an energetic match for more blissful things, and when you’re in this kind of energy, you’re able to manifest money, love, ideal activities, free shit, high-vibe feelings, the right people, and all the things you could ever want.
People won’t understand you.
People will call you crazy. They will practically BEG you to stop, please slow down, you’re going too fast!
People will try to convince you that your dreams are too big. To be realistic. To tone it down a notch or ten.
You will feel like an outcast.
You will feel like there’s nobody like you.
You will feel all alone.
You will feel rejected.
You will feel like maybe you ARE crazy (you are! welcome to the cool club!).
There will be moments when you want to give up, when everything feels like it’s just too much, when your crazy is threatening to take over, but when, no matter how much you really WANT to, you’ll find that you… just can’t.
Because you were born with the go-getter gene. You’re one of us. You can’t quit, don’t know HOW to quit, and never really want to (even though sometimes you’ll think you might).
We’re different from most of humanity.
We have big dreams, and they’re bigger than most can even fathom, and we refuse to quit until they’re DONE.
We actually resonate with the crazy people. The weirdos. The outcasts. The misunderstoor.
We ENJOY getting up early every day to do our soul work, and yes, that means on weekends, too.
It actually fills our cup to “do the work” and we want to do it at every opportunity (and we do!).
So what I’m trying to say is –
You’re not alone, sister.