Are you truly committed to doing whatever it takes to achieve the goals you’ve set for yourself?
Are you willing to fail repeatedly?
Are you willing tobe judged and criticised?
Are you willing to invest thousands of dollars?
Are you willing to sacrifice sleep ocassionally?
Are you willing to hustle even when it hurts?
Are you willing to really, truly, go ALL THE WAY in?
Because if you’re not, let me just tell you right now: You’re in for a tough road ahead.
Success requires sacrifice, and regardless of what anyone else tries to tell you, that is the truth.
Success requires time. It requires money. It requires doing things that are uncomfortable. It requires being honest. It requires consistent action. It requires full on DEDICATION. And that means that at times, you will have to make sacrifices.
Sure, it’s a nice thought that you can have success without sacrifice. It’s cool to dream. But don’t believe anyone who tells you that it can always be easy, that there won’t ever come a time when you have to give something up in order to have that other thing you desire. Anyone who tells you that is a liar, and if you pay close enough attention to them and the stuff they spew on a daily basis, you’ll see that they’re totally full of shit and that they make sacrifices all of the time.
They just don’t want to admit it or it may ruin their reputation.
I hate seeing all of these “motivational” posts and videos and articles that glamorizes building a business. They’re such bullshit. Look at me, I’m travelling the world and working with amazing clients I love! (And behind the scenes I’m away from my kids for a week, crying every day because I feel like a shitty mom, am bulemic behind closed doors, and blow all of my money on fancy furniture just so I can show off how “rich” I am, so people will believe in the bullshit lie I’m selling them.)
Building a business without making sacrifices is like saying you can have a baby and not have to make any sacrifices and your life will stay the same.
Um… okay.. you’re an idiot.
It’s just not true. Sacrifice is necessary in order to achieve ANY type of success: financial, business, health, relationships, fitness, and so on. The good news is that you’re in charge of what sacrifices you’re willing to make (and in turn, which successes you’re most desiring).
For example, if you REALLY want to lose 20 pounds and it’s SUPER important to you, you’re going to make sacrifices to do so. You’re going to exercise even on days that you don’t want to. You’re going to ear more vegetables instead of the salty snacks you ACTUALLY want. You’re going to get up early to get your workout in, since that’s the only time you have available to do it, even though you’d much rather sleep in.
You’re sacrificing a few things (likely just temporarily) so you can have the MAIN thing that you really, REALLY want to have, moreso than the things you’re giving up in the moment.
Want to make more money? You may need to give up on TV, some sleep, and some time with your kids.
Want to lose weight? You may need to give up on candy, sitting all day, and driving everywhere instead of walking.
Want to grow your business faster? You may need to give up evenings out, sleeping in, and avoiding putting yourself out there.
It doesn’t have to be hard. It doesn’t have to feel bad. And it certainly doesn’t have to last forever. But in the process of going after success, you WILL need to make certain sacrifices.
It’s up to you to decide whether or not you’re willing to make them.
You don’t have to, of course. You don’t have to do anything. But by not being willing to make sacrifices, know that you are shutting down the opportunity for you to have success in a big way. Know that you are settling. And know that things aren’t ever going to change for you.
Please –
Don’t call yourself an entrepreneur if you’re not willing to do shit you don’t want to do sometimes. You’re a phony. Shame on you for trying to convince people that entrepreneurship is glamorous. What a fucking joke.
The sacrifices you’re willing to make are directly proportionate to the amount of success you’re going to have. And the sooner you make those sacrifices, the sooner you’ll have that success. At which point, you’ll make new sacrifices.
This isn’t a bad thing. This doesn’t mean that you can’t have total freedom in your life. You definitely can. You just can’t have it 100% of the time. 99% of the time, sure. But 100% of the time? Nope. Not possible. Ever. For anyone.
So let’s say you have this goal to make $20,000 this month.
You COULD think about it.
You COULD visualize.
You COULD write out affirmation after affirmation about having it.
You COULD come up with ideas on how to make it.
You COULD ask the universe for it.
You COULD practice KNOWING it was a done deal.
And you MAY very well get it… but the chances are slim to none because you’re missing one very important piece to the puzzle:
You’re not taking action.
What you MUST also be doing is taking action every day on getting and having the thing that you want.
How do you do that? You first need to identify what the feeling is you’re trying to achieve by having it. So if you want to receive $20,000 this month, ask yourself:
“How would I FEEL if I received $20,000 this month?” and see what comes up. Those are the feelings you’re chasing. Your job is to feel those feelings NOW. Do whatever you need to do to get into feeling that way. Once you do, you’ll start getting inspired ideas of actions you can take to feel that way more. Take those actions.
You also need to take “reality check” actions. Meaning if you want to make money, you need to take actions that have the potential of making you money. You can’t just cross your fingers and hope money falls from the sky for you. You must sell, you must ask for a raise, you must set money intentions, you must create new things for people to buy…
Because, REALITY CHECK: In order to receive money, you must be ASKING for money in some way.
Make sense?
Everything you want is possible for you. So long as you’re willing to do what it takes to have it.