There seems to be a lot of resistance around wanting to accept more than what you already have.
I was speaking with one of my rockstar clients yesterday, right after she’d closed her BIGGEST MONTH EVER ($30K!), and I asked her what her goal was for December. When she told me it was $30K again, I asked her why.
She didn’t know.
I asked her if she would be happy to continue to receive $30K every month, or if she wanted to make more. She mentioned the things she would do with the money if she made, say, $50K a month and decided that NO, she would not be happy with just $30K a month forever.
Not that she was ungrateful for the $30K she’d already received (she most definitely was!), but because in order to live her dream lifestyle, she was going to have to up the ante.
But she had reservations.. she was scared to even make more than $30K in a month..
“What would I even DO with all of that money?”
“Who actually needs $50K in a month anyway?”
“What would my boyfriend think of me making much more money than him?”
“What if my friends or my parents get mad at me for making more than they do?”
We talked through this, and at the end, she realized that she wasn’t going to SETTLE just to make other people happy. She wants to grow, to expand, to reach more people, to make more MONEY. And so she is!
Sometimes I’m confused when people don’t want to make more money. I’m like “don’t you want to help more people?” - because you can do that with more money! I guess there is still the stigma that rich people are greedy, selfish people and OF COURSE we don’t want to put into THAT category because that is SO not who we are!
But it’s true –
Making more money means you can help more people. You can do more good in the world. So by NOT making more money, you are actually allowing others to suffer. Think of it that way when those money blocks come up.
And really, here’s my point –
Making more money is a great thing. It’s not something to be ashamed of. It’s not something to hide.
I believe that one of the main reasons women make so much less than their male counterparts is because women are AFRAID to out-earn anyone with a penis. Like it would be some kind of SIN. So they don’t TALK about money. And lack of conversation around such an important topic holds you back from actually MAKING more money.
Money is not evil.
I don’t know where the whole “money is the root of all evil” thing came from because I have found the complete opposite to be true. The more money I make, the happier I am, the more generous I’m able to be, the more present I can be for my family –
EVERYTHING improves when you make more money. Anyone who says that money can’t buy happiness never fucking had any(money, of course).
It is safe for you to make more money.
It is safe for you to make more money than your partner.
It is safe for you to make more money than your parents.
It is safe for you to make more money than the males you know.
It is safe for you to make more and more money every single month.
IT IS SAFE FOR YOU. And it is your DUTY to make more so that you can do your part in making the world a better place.
Don’t forget –
You really can be, do and have EVERYTHING you want, a LOT of money included. Take action now!