Every time I open my email I see a new sale!

Every time I open my email I see a new sale!

Let me start this off by saying that I’m not telling you this to brag. I’m telling you this because not long ago, I was right where you are right now: 

  • Scared about making ends meet
  • Upset that I couldn’t have what I wanted
  • Money trickling in, never any big waves of it
  • Pissed off that I was working so hard and for little in return
  • Terrified I was never going to make it big

Even though I have always made money in every business I’ve started, I’ve never really had that RUSH of money, nor did I have consistency when it came to my income. 

It’s like I was fighting daily to make sure I always had enough. And each month, enough was never enough, because I always wanted MORE anyway! Which meant I was never satisfied. Until I did this – 

The first step in creating wealth is to first determine how much money you NEED to bring in for you to continue living the lifestyle you have now. This is the bare minimum. Your personal savings (pay yourself first at least 10% off gross income), housing, food, entertainment, clothing, etc.

What is the total amount? Now, add a 10% buffer to that. So if you need $5,000 a month, add $500 to the total as “buffer” money, that you’ll use only if necessary.

That total amount is what you are going to aim to bring in each month as PASSIVE income. 

The second step you need to take is to determine just how much money you really WANT to be bringing in, at least at this stage (this number will likely increase as you continue to uplevel in your life). Don’t just pick a random number that “sounds good”, have a REASON for asking for that much.

Write down everything you want to buy/invest in every month and what the cost will be. Here are some examples: 

  1. Extra clothing (above & beyond what you budgeted in your “need” money)
  2. New mattress and bedding (obviously a one-time purchase, for the next 7 years anyway!)
  3. Coaching and mentorship
  4. Business investments (anywhere from $500 and up set aside for when an opportunity comes up that you want to take advantage of)
  5. Travel
  6. New team member in your business (an assistant, a content manager, etc.)
  7. New team member for life stuff (a nanny for the kids, a chef, a dog walker, etc.)
  8. Replacing your current vehicle with another one that better suits you and your lifestyle

Basically anything and everything “extra” above and beyond the necessities. 

Add it all up. This is how much you are going to aim to bring in monthly from active selling (and obviously the number will change each month, depending on what you need to purchase - you won’t need a matress and a car every month, for example - but you can put money aside for both until you have enough to purchase them).

That’s it!

Have a plan for the money, and the money starts to show up. It’s like MAGIC, except it’s definitely not, because you are actively working to bring that money into reality, through your thoughts and your actions.

I’ve been doing this for years, and even more so in the last 2 years. I know it works.

Every morning I wake up to sales. There is always more money in my account each morning than when I went to bed the night before. My income continues to grow AS I SLEEP.

This doesn’t happen every once in awhile. 

It’s not some kind of “coincidence”, nor is it a fluke and a one-time thing. 

It happens ALL THE TIME. Every day. 

Because I set my business up to be this way. As much as I LOVE active selling, I love doing live workshops, working with 1:1 clients, hosting events and group programs, I love passive income even more. 

You probably do, too, right?

Let me ask you this: 

If you could wake up every morning and see $1,000 in your bank account that wasn’t there the night before, would you be happy? How would it really feel if you were making $30,000 a month without doing anything to make it? (Other than managing a few ads and maybe tweaking a sales funnel or two, every once in awhile!)

Let me tell you how it feels: FUCKING AMAZING, that’s how!

I truly believe that if you want to make serious money in your business, YOU need to be in it. You can’t just “set it and forget it”, and walk away completely. But you CAN make a lot of money doing that, and then just make even MORE by showing up and doing that active selling, too!

I mean, really – 

The possibilities are honestly ENDLESS when it comes to making money online.

And if you aren’t making the money online you want (and need) to be making, if you’re not consistently growing your income, if you’re not able to invest in the things you want in life, then let me ask you this – 

When are you going to do something about it?

The time is NOW.

Step up now and claim back ownership of your life.
Step up now and decided you’re going to make shit happen.
Step up now and commit to doing whatever it takes.
Step up now and take your turn – 

Because it IS your turn. Right now. 

Don’t forget – 

You really can be, do and have EVERYTHING you want. Take action now!