Whatever it is that you desire in life, what you’ve been working so fucking hard to achieve/receive/HAVE in your life – 

It’s all possible for you. In fact, it’s so possible for you that you could have had it ages ago, had you just believed in your damn self, and in the POSSIBILITY of having the thing, whatever the thing may be. 

The truth is: 

Most people will never have what they want. 

Most people will live mediocre lives, doing shit they maybe don’t hate, but definitely TOLERATE because they think they have to, and every day they will dream that they can have what they want - but they will NEVER have it. 

It will never manifest fully for them.

They will spend their days wishing and hoping, and crossing their fingers that one day, just maybe they will receive the things they desire. 

But, sadly, they will not. 

And this isn’t because they aren’t worthy, or undeserving, or even because they don’t know HOW – 

It’s because they aren’t firmly planted in the belief that it’s already theirs. Not just that they’re worthy and capable of having it, but because their belief simply isn’t strong enough. 

I see you working your ass off, day in and day out. I see you writing 500+ word posts every damn day of the week. I see you selling your programs. I see you engaging with your tribe. I see you buying the programs, taking the courses, doing the WORK.

But you’re still not THERE yet.

You can’t ever seem to GET there, can you? That coveted place that only a select group of people ever seem to get to in their life. 

The place where life is easy, business is easy, making money is easy, living is easy. And fun. And exciting. And definitely full of happy surprises as you go. Naturally. 🙂 

You want to be there. You journal about being THERE every damn day. You hustle your ass off so that you can finally be granted access to this magical place where everything just flows and life is amazing 100% of the time. 

You do the things. 
You write the things. 
You say the things.

But the problem, if you wanna know – 

Is that you don’t, deep down, BELIEVE the things. 

Whether it’s a lack of belief that YOU, personally, can have the things you desire, or a lack of belief that the manifestation process is real, or a lack of belief that the thing itself that you want is possible at all - your belief is lacking. 

And without that full-on, hell yes it’s happening, of course it’s possible and it’s mine NOW, kind of belief, you’ll never achieve/receive/have/experience the thing you so desire. 

I remember back when I first started my coaching business, my “baby belief” (meaning: the very first belief I had to hold) was that I would make $100,000 or more in the first 12 months of my business. 

Everyone around me told me I was crazy. That $100,000 in 12 months was insane, especially being brand new in an industry where no one knew who I was (and, if I’m being honest, that I didn’t know a damn thing about!). 

I don’t know why, but I believed that I could do it. 

Maybe it was because I’d chosen to surround myself with women who were already doing what I wanted (and better), and was constantly being inspired and encouraged by them - I’m not sure… but I definitely had all of the reasons possible to believe that my $100K goal was unreachable. 

I simply chose not to hold that belief, and instead picked a new one:

“I’m gonna receive $100,000 or more this year.” 

Boom. Done. Decision made. Belief affirmed. 

And no, I didn’t hit that $100,000 in 12 months. I hit $250,000. Over DOUBLE what I had originally “thought” that I could make. That year I learned something that would change the game for me forever: 

You get what you believe is possible for you. 

I believed $100,000 in 12 months was possible for me. So possible, that I never once stressed about it, and just saw it as DONE. So the universe went above and beyond and surprised me with double my money goal.

$250,000 in 12 months would never have been possible had my belief not been there. 

Had I listened to everyone around me who told me that $100,000 in 12 months was impossible, I wouldn’t have received $100,000 - and DEFINITELY not $250,000!

How do you think your life would change if you changed your beliefs around what was possible for you?

What if you chose to believe that money constantly flowed into your life DAILY?

What if you chose to believe that all you ever had to do was what felt good in each moment?

What if you chose to believe that only good things happen to you?

What if you chose to believe that you could make $_______ in only _____ months/weeks/days?

What if you chose to believe that you always know exactly what to say & do to get what you want?

What if you chose to believe that you owned a _______ (thing you strongly desire)?

What if you chose to believe that you had $_______ in savings?

What if you just CHOSE differently from how you’re choosing now (which is clearly in a way that’s NOT getting you what you want)?

That’s all you need to do. 

Choose to believe. 

And then from that place of BELIEF, ask yourself “what now?” and act from THAT space. 

One of my favorite daily practices that I’ve developed is to journal on what I want, state it as done, plant myself in the BELIEF that it’s already mine, and then ask myself “what now?”… something always pops into my head – 

Whether it’s to message someone
Or to write a certain blog post
Or to create/launch something new
Or to take a NAP, even! 
Or to make myself a drink (matcha, please!)
Or to go look up someone and read/consume their content
Or to read a certain book

Or whatever it is. “What now?”, asked from a place of being in total alignment to your desires, is what’s going to manifest what you want (once you take action on it, of course!). 

It’s not journaling affirmations every day (although those help), or even doing the hustle (sales emails, posting on FB, livestreams, etc.).. it’s getting total clarity on what you want, being in complete alignment with that, and then taking action from that space. 

The problem is not that you don’t know what to do. You know what to do. You just haven’t been listening.

The problem, simply, is that you haven’t chosen to believe at the level you must believe at, to be the next level YOU. 

Ready to switch it up? Ready to finally BELIEVE, fully, and then of course, to RECEIVE, fully?

It’s about damn time.