Quick question for you

Quick question for you

Are you willing to be COURAGEOUS?

If, right now, you’re feeling alone, you’re feeling scared, you’re feeling defeated – 

Know that you aren’t the only one. 

You also must know that if you aren’t living life the way you want to be living, then it’s up to you to do something differently to change your circumstances.

So many people live their life playing it safe. They’re living their life being terrified of PAIN – 

The pain of disappointment
The pain of failure
The pain of not being liked
The pain of defeat
The pain of criticism

So they don’t do what they want to do in life. 

They’re living a life that is safe. A life that is COMFORTABLE, just so they don’t experience pain. 

But guess what – 

Pain is everywhere. You cannot escape pain. You will experience pain whether you are living a comfortable life that you’re unhappy with, or you’re living the life of your dreams.

If you are not HAPPY in your life right now – 

If you’re not doing, being, seeing and experiencing everything you want, then you owe it to yourself to do something about it. 

No one is going to live your life for you. That’s your responsibility.

An unfortunate part of life is having people constantly tell you that you can’t do something. That’s you’re not “cut out” for whatever it is you want to accomplish.

And even more unfortunate, is that we often hear this most from our family and close friends. 

You can’t make that much money
You don’t know how to do that
There’s no way that will work
You need to be realistic
You’re being crazy

Here’s the thing about life: People will CONSTANTLY be trying to knock you down. You will hear, over and over and over again, how you’re not good enough, you’re crazy or you need to be more “realistic”.

It’s going to happen no matter what, and yes it’s harsh, yes it’s unfair, but it’s LIFE.

And if it’s YOUR responsibility, and it’s YOUR life, why the fuck are you letting others dictate how you live it?

Just because someone TELLS you that you can’t do something, doesn’t mean you can’t. 

And honestly, I LOVE hearing someone tell me I can’t do something because it makes me work even harder at making it happen, just so I can rub it in their face and prove them wrong.

No one gets to decide what you do with your life. NO ONE.

Not your parents
Not your friends
Not your teachers and mentors
Not your siblings
Not your significant other


Yes, you’ll have pushback. Yes, you’ll probably piss some people off. Yes, it will feel uncomfortable and scary. And YES, it will absolutely be PAINFUL.

But you know what? It’s worth every ounce of pain, because you will then be living life on YOUR terms and no one else’s. 

I can’t tell you how many times someone told me I was crazy for becoming a “coach”. How I was STUPID to spend $40K+ on hiring mentors (which was apparently just a “pyramid scheme”). 

And never, not ONCE did I ever say “you what guys? you’re right, I am being crazy and stupid. thanks for saving me. I’ll get a regular job now!”

I could have done that. That would have been the safe thing for me to do. That would have made me feel more comfortable.

But comfort is NOT something I’m after. Luxury, yes 🙂 But not comfort. 

You see? I LOVE the game called entrepreneurship.

I love the struggles.
I love the fears.
I love the unknown.
I love the hard work.

And yes, I love the results. 

I don’t avoid something just because I’m scared. If anything, if something scares me, I know it’s DEFINITELY what I need to be doing. 

Take a look at your life right now and answer this question:

Are you happy where you currently are?

If you answered NO, then you owe it to yourself to do something differently. To make a big change. To take a big risk. To jump in and EMBRACE that fear inside of you. And to LOVE every fucking second of it. 

Are you ready to be COURAGEOUS and take charge of your own destiny?