I spent all of yesterday completely offline (for the most part), something I never do, to try and deal with the loss of our precious pooch.
It wasn’t the being offline part that was hard for me. What was hard was dealing with the overwhelming sadness and trying not to let it completely take over.
I remember lying with my husband, crying, and I just said “I don’t know how to be happy right now”, like I was trying to force myself to “get over it” and be happy already. I was so impatient with myself.
He responded with the exact words I needed to hear: “then just be sad for now, you’re allowed to be sad“. And it hit me like a ton of bricks. I had to be sad. I had to allow myself to feel that feeling, as much as I didn’t want to. I knew that if I resisted it, if I tried to push those feelings of sadness away, that they would come back and destroy me later.
So I was sad. All day. I tried to distract myself with happy Christmas movies and gift wrapping, but it was temporary. As soon as the movies were over and the wrapping was done, I was sad again. I laid in bed and cried for over an hour. I cried every time I walked past something that reminded me of our big, crazy dog we had to let go of earlier that morning.
By 6 in the evening, my body was begging me to go to sleep. I forgot just how physically exhausting it is to be sad all the time. It’s been years since I’ve had to experience this type of sadness. But I let it consume me. I let it completely take over. I let myself stop what I was doing and cry. I let myself be angry at myself for not being a better dog mom. I let myself skip out on things I had on my to-do list.
I was just sad. Really fucking sad. All day and all night long.
And I’d be lying if I said that I’m not still sad this morning.
But I also know that I will always be sad when I think of our dear Buddy, and that it’s OKAY to feel this way. But even though I may occasionally feel sad, I also choose happiness. Today, I choose to do things that make me happy.
Today I choose to allow my kids to play hooky so we can bake cookies, and watch movies, and decorate for the holidays.
Today I choose to practice extra self-care and really give myself time to just BE.
Today I choose to host exceptional calls with my incredible clients.
Today I choose to speak and write from the heart.
Today I choose to be fully present in everything I do.
Today I choose happy.
What do you choose?
Every day, we get to make a choice. Sometimes that choice is not what we want it to be, but know it’s necessary. Sometimes it’s forcing ourselves to just be happy already because we’ve been sad too long. Or mad too long. Or scared too long.
Over the last few years, I’ve been working on my mindset and one of the biggest things I’ve learned is that only I am in control of my emotions. It doesn’t matter what’s going on around me, only I get to choose how I respond and how I feel.
You get to choose to be happy.
You get to choose to be sad.
You get to choose to be focused.
You get to choose to be determined.
You get to choose to be angry.
You get to choose to be loving.
You get to choose to be excited.
You know that only YOU get to choose, right?
No one else.
Once you realize this, and PRACTICE this, you’re able to enjoy your life 10x more because you know it’s all up to you.
Life is what you make it. You can decide to be a negative asshole that’s always complaining about how hard her life is, or you can decide to be a happy, positive person who’s committed to doing whatever it takes to maintain those feelings.
I’m so grateful for my mindset practice as it really does cement the feelings I want to feel.
Journaling has changed my life.
Money work has changed my life.
FEELING the way I need to feel has changed my life.
I can’t believe that just a few years ago I didn’t have any type of mindset practice in place.
In fact, I thought the whole “mindset” stuff was for weird hippies. But then I realized that being vegan alone already puts me in the “weird hippie” category (who knows why), so why not fully embrace it?
My morning mindset routine is something that happens every day, no matter what. Every day I open up my journal and say what needs to be said. Every day, I get clear and set my intentions for the day. Every day, I do what needs to be done, feel how I need to feel, and be who I need to be, in order to live the life I want to live.
This practice has allowed me to create over HALF A MILLION DOLLARS in just 12 months
This practice has allowed me to improve relationships 10x
This practice has allowed me to create the money needed to pay cash for my dream car
This practice has allowed me to lose weight almost instantly
This practice has allowed me to hire high-level mentors with ease
I know that without having this mindset practice in place and without doing it consistently, day after day, that I would still be that negative, unhappy person I was just 2 years ago. I would still be mad at the world, thinking that it owed me something.
But yet here I am –
Happy to wake up and put in the work every day
Excited for what’s to come, not fearful
Proud of myself for accomplishing big goals
Making thousands of dollars daily
Working only with the best of the best
Traveling regularly, multiple times every year instead of just once (if that!)
Living a VIP lifestyle (buying the best, upgrading, upleveling, all the time)
Giving more and being a more generous person overall
All because I said YES to me.
All because I made that committment to myself.
All because I made the investment in myself.
All because I decided that I was worth it.
And you? You’re worth it, too.
Give me a HELL YES if you know you’re worth it.
Give me a HELL YES if you know that you were born for more.
Give me a HELL YES if you will do whatever it takes to be, do and have everything you want.
This is your time. Are you ready to take action NOW?