Are you serious about making big money in your business?

Are you serious about making big money in your business?

Listen, I get it. 

You’re scared. 

Running around like a crazy person, doing 10,000 tasks a day, putting out fires, and hitting the pillow at night wondering what the hell you actually accomplished that was meaningful.

I get it because I’ve been there myself and I KNOW what that feels like. I know how stressful it can be to live your days in a constant rush and blur, always dreaming of the day you don’t have to feel that way anymore.

The stress CAN and WILL go away.

The first step?

Letting go of ALL the crap that’s causing you stress! Seems simple enough, yes? 

The problem is that you likely don’t even know everything that’s making you feel so stressed every day. And for the stuff you DO know is causing stress, you don’t know exactly HOW to let go if it!


Fix the situation. 

When stress happens in your life, it’s often because you’ve lost control. It’s time to get back in control of your life! Do you agree?

If you’re serious about making big money in your business, you need to take back control. Starting NOW!


#1. Get help. It’s not a weakness to ask for help. And it’s certainly not a weakness to get as much help as you can find when it comes to improving your life and business. Mentors, programs, software, tools… whatever it takes!

No one has ever built a highly successful ($250,000 a year or more) completely on their own. Everyone needs help. You can’t be an expert in everything, so you need to financially invest in people & things that will help you to grow your business quickly. 

If you don’t, you’ll take YEARS to actually get the results you want (if you get them at all, which is unlikely) and it will be a long, stressful road.

#2. Say no. The next time you say yes to someone that’s trying to get you to do something for them or with them (such as a friend asking if you want to hang out, or your neighbour giving you an invitation to their wedding), ask yourself if – 

A) You really WANT to do it
B) It’s important to you and will either make you money or make you happy

If the answer is NO to one or both of those questions, you need to then say NO to the person who asked you. It sucks to turn people down, but if you know it’s not going to make you happy or make you money, or you just REALLY do NOT want to do it, then the answer is NO.

There are many opportunities that will come up where you will actually want to say YES, and if your calendar is already filled up with other activities that may or may not have been a hell yes, you’re going to have no room in your life for the activities that are.

#3. Treat yourself well. If you don’t feel good, mentally and physically, you’re going to have an exceptionally hard time making other people feel good. And as you know, making other people feel good is one of the greatest joys in life (and also just so happens is an excellent way to make money!).

Give yourself the VIP treatment. You are the leader and the leader needs to be well taken care of if she’s going to be able to lead her tribe. 

Write down a list of 15-30 different things you can do that will make you feel amazing, such as – 

Getting your nails done
Going for a massage
Getting your hair done
Buying yourself a new outfit
Taking a long, hot shower
Watching a movie you’ve been dying to get into
Reading a good book
Taking yourself out to dinner
Buying yourself flowers
Etc. etc. etc. etc. 

Do things that make you happy, and make you feel good, every single day. It shows in the way you present yourself to the world, trust me. 🙂

#4. Surround yourself with the right people. One very important thing you need to realize (and pay attention, because this is the one thing that most people ignore) is that in order to succeed in life, you need to have solid relationships with the right people.

And so that means you must be diligent with surrounding yourself with the right people and then nurturing those relationships big time.

If you want to make more money, for example, stop spending so much time with people who are broke, or even people who make the same amount of money as you do. Instead, spend time with people who make MUCH more money than you. Learn from them. Be in their presence. Because that WILL rub off on you, just like being in the presence of someone who is broke will also rub off on you. 

If you want to be happier, for example, hang out with happy, positive people.

If you want to be thin, hang out with thin people.

You get the idea. 🙂 

#5. Delegate. I cannot stress enough just how important it is to delegate in life. Just like in point #1 where I said you can’t do it all and need to get help from a mentor or someone who can guide you to success QUICKER than going it alone, but in this case, you also need to delegate the actual STUFF. 

Everything that MUST get done, absolutely needs to get done. Right? And now that you’ve decided to step it up and get even more help and support from mentors, you have even MORE stuff on your task list. But how the hell do you do that when you barely have enough time to do what you’re doing every day now?

Simple: You drop or delegate. I can guarantee that likely 50% or more of what you’re spending time on right now is a waste of your energy because it’s not going to bring you success, financially or otherwise, or at least, not in the way you’re doing it right now. 

Take 2 days to completely track your time and what you spend it on each day. Make sure to track EVERYTHING you do. At the end of the 2 days, look at everything you wrote down to see where you’re wasting time. And then, decide what you’re going to drop completely from your daily task list (because you don’t NEED to be doing it, at least not right now) and what you will delegate to someone else (you should delegate everything you don’t like doing or aren’t good at).

The only things you should be doing every day is living your life, documenting it, and sharing it with the world. Writing, speaking, creating, and selling. THAT is your job. Everything else can (and should) be outsourced. Maybe you can’t outsource it all right away, and that’s fine, start with just one task that’s eating up a lot of your time and add to that as soon as possible.

#6. Get paid to be you. This is a concept that is so unconventional, so perfect, so fun and easy, that most people don’t believe it’s even possible. I’ve had people tell me that it “if it seems too good to be true, it probably is”, to which I have to disagree because it IS true! If you know what the hell you’re doing every day that is. 

You can’t just live your life and not contribute in any way. You can’t just walk around and do what you want and expect to be paid to sit by yourself, without speaking to people that need to hear from you. You must have a purpose, and you must have a big message to share with the world. If you have those 2 things, you can get paid to be you.

You can get paid to show up every day and speak on topics that mean something to you. 

You can get paid to live your life ANY way you please, document it, and share it with your community. 

You can get paid to share your beliefs, your values, and your truth with the world.

You can get paid to be YOU. 

How do I know? Because this is how I’ve been living my life for the past 13 years online. Making money being ME, doing what I want, saying what I want, sharing my big message with the world. 

Let me tell you a secret: 

Making money online is REALLY fucking easy. Like – 

SO incredibly easy it makes me want to SCREAM when I hear people are struggling financially, as I know how to turn that shit around QUICKLY if you’d just open your ears and listen to me. Because if you are struggling financially, you don’t need to be. There is an easy solution: document your life, share it with the world, along with your message, package up and sell your thoughts/ideas/words/feelings/lessons, and make money. 

It’s SO easy. 

And yes, there is a lot of work involved
Yes, it will consume your every thought
Yes, there will be challenges along the way

But everything you get to do while you’re getting paid to be you? 


And in life, there is work. There are challenges. There are obstacles to overcome. There are late nights and early mornings. But so often, for many people, they deal with these things in addition to doing work they hate (whether working for themselves or someone else).

Wouldn’t you love it if you were able to deal with these things while living the life of your dreams and getting paid to be you? Don’t you think that would make it so much easier to overcome those obstables and deal with those challenges that come up?

What I’m really trying to say it this: 

Stop telling yourself that this is hard. 
If you’ve been struggling, know that you don’t have to struggle anymore. 
Know that your life can change in an instant.
Give up the stuff that is holding you back, including the negative thoughts in your head.
Give yourself permission to live life on YOUR terms, starting right NOW.

Don’t forget – 

You really can be, do and have EVERYTHING you want. Take action now!