Let’s just be honest with each other –
You haven’t been going ALL IN. You haven’t been doing EVERYTHING you can.
You haven’t been giving it 110%.
Now ask yourself WHY.
What are you afraid of?
What are you scared will happen if you just DO what is necessary?
What is freaking you out?
And now what if all of those “bad” things happen? Will it be the end of the world?
Likely not.
You’re doing the BARE minimum. You’re hardly showing up at all. You’re giving excuse after excuse as to why you CAN’T instead ofMAKING excuse after excuse for why you CAN and you WILL!
You’re taking days off (WHAT??!?!).
You’re allowing yourself to “slow down”.
You’re doing tasks that don’t matter.
You’re wasting time on activities that won’t make you money.
And you’re not spending ENOUGH time on the tasks that will.
You want the BADASS title of the one who MADE it? Then things have got to change right now. You can’t be HALF showing up. There’s just no TIME for that. You need to be fully and completely in!
So no more excuses.
Focus on the RESULT. What do you WANT?
Don’t think about the potential struggles (there will be many)
Don’t think about the money you’ll have to invest (it will be A LOT)
Don’t think about what could go wrong (pretty much everything will at some point)
What you want to think about instead is the end result you’re shooting for,
Whether that’s money, impact, fame, or all of the above, get crystal fucking clear on what RESULT you really want. And then –
Nothing else matters except that result.
You need to be RELENTLESS. Out for the kill. Never stopping until you get there.
You’re in it to win it and THAT is what your mind is focused on all. the. freaking. time!