I used to eat bags of chips for breakfast (and 25 other strange facts about me)…

I used to eat bags of chips for breakfast (and 25 other strange facts about me)…
  • I have to lie in bed with my leg out to the side or I can’t sleep.
  • I have a “graveyard scene” of pet animals that have died tattooed on my back.
  • Growing up I had an invisible friend named Martin. I still talk to him sometimes.
  • I always have to know what time it is or I get super paranoid that I’m going to miss an important event (like sleep).
  • I give myself hand massages almost every day because it calms me down when I feel stressed.
  • Even though I ran a really successful six-figure blog for 7 years, I’ve always hated blogging.
  • I buy myself a gift every time I buy someone else a gift. Even if I’m just buying them something small.
  • I don’t like an empty email inbox. It makes me feel like no one likes me.
  • I menu plan every week, but usually only eat half the meals I plan to make.
  • I HATE shopping with a passion - except grocery shopping. I could grocery shop for hours.
  • I play a game with myself every time I’m paying for groceries at the store by trying to guess, down to the penny, what my total will be.
  • I usually sleep in bed for a few hours and then move to the couch in the living room every night because I *think* I have restless leg syndrome and don’t want to annoy my husband with my twitching.
  • I once was on the Tyra Banks TV show to talk about working in the adult industry.
  • Even though I’m not religious, Christmas is my favourite holiday of all time because I get to spend tons of time with family.
  • One year I crossed the border from Canada into the US to take advantage of Black Friday deals. I waited in the freezing cold for hours and once I got inside the store, I left 5 minutes later because I was terrified of being trampled or beaten up. People are CRAZY for Black Friday deals. Now I just shop online.
  • I call my dad almost every day while I walk to pick my son up from school, just so I don’t feel like I’m walking by myself.
  • I never enjoyed pregnancy and always got super pissed when people would tell me I had that “pregnancy glow”. I’m quite certain it was just sweat, thank you very much.
  • I met my husband on Myspace and then we met “for real” at a bar. I’m surprised we’re still married.
  • I can’t stand Apple products (I’ve always been a PC girl), but I love my iPhone and can’t imagine switching to something else.
  • I spend most of my time in pajamas and active wear and I wouldn’t have it any other way.
  • I’ve watched way too many movies and TV shows where plane crashes have happened. Now I’m terrified every time I get on a plane.
  • Even though I’m less than 30 minutes from Toronto, I rarely go there because the sheer volume of people and traffic makes me want to hide.
  • I’ve never been able to have nice fingernails for any length of time because I’m always washing my hands and the polish just chips and my nails break. I guess I’m a bit of a germaphobe.
  • I get my best business ideas around 2 in the morning. It’s rare that I have a great idea in the middle of the day.
  • I used to be on FacetheJury (remember that site??) and would always get my friends and family to rate me as super hot. Am I vain or what?

What I’ve learned about myself over the years is that I’ll always be ME, and that’s okay because I love ME. Sometimes people will like me, sometimes they won’t. Sometimes I’ll hurt their feelings. Sometimes mine will also get hurt. But life goes on and I’m gonna move right along with it, learning as I go.


Life is going to throw curve-balls at you (both good and bad ones) at multiple times during your lifetime. When that happens, just remember that you can handle anything. YOU cannot be broken. Be unapologetically you and keep on keeping on.





P.S. Now that I’ve spilled my guts, I’d love to hear some super weird facts about YOU! Hit comment and share with me. I won’t laugh. Promise.