I’m looking for a very, very SPECIFIC type of someone…

I’m looking for a very, very SPECIFIC type of someone…

I was doing some journaling this morning around the kind of clients I want to work with. This is not an unusual thing for me, it’s something I journal on almost daily, really, but today I REALLY went deep with it and got super freakin’ clear on who I wanted to be working with. 

It was apparent to me that I was being really vague and general when it came to calling in my ideal clients. You know, that they paid their bills on time, they did the work, and they were fun to be around, kind of affirmations. 

Which is good. 
Great, even! 

But not enough. 

Because who I know I was born to serve is not just ANYONE. It’s a very, very SPECIFIC type of someone. 

I’ve worked with a lot of clients and I know, without a doubt, who I absolutely do NOT want to work with. Which means that I also know who I most definitely DO want to work with! 

And I noticed today that I wasn’t clearly calling them in. I wasn’t making it clear to the universe who exactly I’d like sent my way to support.

This whole “getting clients” thing is really looked at in the wrong way by most people.

To the majority, a new client = $$$. A new client doesn’t usually = a new friend. And if you’re focusing on the money instead of focusing on the relationship, then there’s a pretty good chance you’re gonna end up with someone you can’t stand, and then you have to suffer through working with them for an extended period of time.

If you’re always “chasing” clients, if you’re always looking for clients because clients = $$$, then you will always be unsatisfied, and worse still, you won’t be able to truly do the work you were born to do because you’ll be working with clients that aren’t the right fit for you, and so aren’t receptive to your teachings.

The thing is – 

You do have a choice in who you work with.

You can turn people away that aren’t the right fit.

It’s especially important to say “no” to the wrong people. Even if you “really need the money”. You can make money in other ways. There are a TON of ways to make quick cash, seriously. 

Please, don’t take money from someone you know is not a PERFECT soulmate client that you LOVE. Someone you can be (and likely already are) friends with. Someone you know is receptive to your way of doing things. Someone you enjoy talking to. 

I promise you that it will end badly.

You must ONLY work with those clients that you think “OMG, I can’t believe she/he wants ME to help her/him!” and “OMG, I can’t believe I actually get to work with her/him!”. If you don’t feel THAT in your gut, say no. 


For your own sanity and well-being, as well as theirs, say NO to anyone that is not a 100% HELL FREAKIN’ YES for the both of you.

I know from my own experience that when you call in your soulmate clients, and you do so regularly, those soulmate clients seem to appear out of thin air. They’re all over the place! They come to you for support when you least expect it.

And then when you work together, it’s the BEST time of your life! Because they are perfect for you, and you are perfect for them, and you both feel it in the depths of your soul!

THAT is the kind of relationship you want to have with your clients. 🙂 

So, start getting REALLY freakin’ clear on who those clients are for you. 

What is their personality like?
How do they respond to your support?
How do they handle money?
How do they communicate with you? 
Where is their mindset at?
What are their beliefs?
How do they carry themselves?

Right it all down, starting with “My soulmate clients ______”.

This is a good exercise to do at least once per week, so you continue to focus only on speaking only to those PERFECT ideal clients of yours.

Today I wrote the following in my journal when I did this exercise: 

“I am now only surrounded with badass bitches and dead-serious dudes who…

Are FULL-ON in their business
Are super creative
Are trusting and trust-worthy
Aren’t offended by my potty-mouth 🙂
Believe in themselves
Always pay their bills on time
Are gracious and kind
Are generous 
Are compassionate
Are powerful fucking leaders
Have a big message to share
Respect me and my time
Love the hustle!
Are present during our calls & chats
Value my opinions & advice
Are super positive & high-vibe
Make regular investments in themselves
Are in it for the long-haul
Are independent
Believe they were put on this earth to do big things

My soulmate clients make incredible fucking money every day.
My soulmate clients make money instantly once they sign on to work with me.
My soulmate clients send me daily testmonials.
My soulmate clients are fun to be around.
My soulmate clients are great friends of mine.
My soulmate clients are fast decision makers.
My clients always do what they say they will do.
My soulmate clients KNOW I am the coach for them.”

In other words, my clients are the freakin’ BEST.

I feel so lucky to be working with some of the most influential women & men online! I’m so grateful that they are not just clients, but great friends as well. 

These are the clients I call in on a regular basis. And wouldn’t you know it? These are the clients I GET! I just need to be even MORE specific now. 🙂

I can tell in the first conversation with someone whether or not they are a soulmate client. If they start making excuses, if they tell me they’re going to do something and don’t, if they lie, if their energy is off in ANY way, they are instantly marked as a HELL-FREAKIN’-NO for me, and I refuse to take them on as a client. 

I turned down someone this week because she told me she was going to do something (unrelated to our potential coaching, but instead around another member on her team) and then backed out and did something else instead. Nope, not for me, I don’t like people who say one thing and then do another. Buh bye.

You must stay true to your big vision for your business and life.

Do you REALLY want to be working with ANYONE that is less than a perfect fit?

I say no. 🙂 I refuse. 

You get to choose who you do and don’t invest your time and energy on. And trust me, it’s better to choose those who are complete and utter SOULMATES.