Yesterday all I wanted to do was watch Netflix and chill. Like, completely ZONE out and just laze around all day, sipping hot drinks & lemon water & kombucha, surrounded by candles and essential oils, with my journal on hand, and Suits on the TV in front of me. 

All I wanted to do was not DO anything. 

But, I did the work anyway. And I felt 100% better because of that decision.

I don’t have these days often because I actually LOVE LOVE LOVE the work. I love the chaos. I love the hustle. But when I do have these days, the ones where I just want to shut out the world and go into my own little cocoon, I have to remind myself: 


I do take full days “off” sometimes, but I don’t actually laze around and do nothing. I will usually take a day off from being online, but will still share my message, will still SELL in some way (both tasks would only be about an hour or so of my day), and then will spend the rest of my day doing mindset work and self-care activities.

But this is rare. 

Because I LOVE the work. However, sometimes? The work doesn’t love me. And it tells me to fuck off. It taunts me. It dangles new Netflix shows and cozy, stormy weather in my face and tries to convince me to take a day off. 

I’m pretty good at resisting because I know that I truly don’t WANT that (I HATE not having anything to do, it makes me crazy! I love chaos!). I know I’m just being tested. And 99% of the time, I pass the test. 

Sometimes you’re not gonna want to do the work.

Sometimes doing the work will be the LAST thing you want to spend your time on.

Sometimes you truly just can’t be fucked.

And every time – 

You need to get the fuck over yourself and do it anyway. That is, IF you want the results, of course!

I don’t think I’ve taken a “day off” in years, nor do I really WANT to. There have been days when I didn’t go online all day, but I still did the work. I still shared my message. I still wrote something. I still did the mindset & money work.

Even on days when I was sick in bed or going through a personal issue, I still did the work. The minimal amount, but regardless – 

The work got done.

Because taking a day off just because you don’t FEEL like it, is total crap.

Yes, there will be some days that are harder than others. 
Yes, there will be some days when you need to chill out and not hustle as hard as usual.
Yes, there will be some days when you have so much resistance you’ll feel like you’re going crazy.

But that doesn’t mean you stop.

That doesn’t mean you take off. 

That doesn’t mean you quit! 

It just means you’re being tested. The universe is asking – 

“Do you really want what you say you do?”, and then you get to decide, based on the actions you do or do not take, what your answer is.

I had someone message me on Facebook last week telling me she wanted to join my 6-Figure Success Seekers program but that she didn’t want to work as hard as I do. THAT’S FINE AND YOU DON’T HAVE TO! 

But you DO need to work hard. 

That’s Business 101: Hard work PAYS. And you want to be paid, right? Do you want to make money? 

Well, then you’ve gotta WORK. And the harder you work, the more money you will make. Don’t believe the bullshit lies of “work smarter, not harder!”, which is basically telling you to automate all of your income and then retire to Mexico and sip Mojitos on the beach all day.

And uh, in case you didn’t know – 

That’s impossible. Automating all of your income, that is. Mexico and Mojitos is totally possible. 😉

I mean, yeah, you can (and you should) automate your income. But that doesn’t mean you’re free from ever working again. You still need to tweak things, fix things, add to things, make sure things are still WORKING.

You still need to WORK.

But the good news is that the work doesn’t have to be so tedious and it doesn’t have to FEEL like work. In fact, one of the biggest things I teach my clients is how to do work that feels so much like anything BUT work, that you actually WANT to work all day, every day! 

Meaning – 

You get paid to be YOU.

Think: Kim Kardashian. Does she have any REAL talents other than showing off her cleavage on Snapchat? I don’t know, maybe, but I’ve never seen them. The only thing I do know for sure about Kim is that she’s a fucking PRO at monetizing her life!

I commend her for building a $150 Million Dollar brand that consists of her getting paid to simply be herself and share her lifestyle with the world. #lifegoals

People comment on my work ethic all the time, saying things like “I could never work that much” or “Don’t you ever sleep?”, because I guess it appears as though I work 24/7, when in reality, the bulk of my “work” (things like writing, selling, creating), only takes up a few hours of my day. 

The rest of my day is filled with normal life stuff like taking my kids to the park, grocery shopping, getting my hair done, sleeping, cooking, reading, travelling, entertaining – 

All of that stuff IS work (because like Kim, I am monetizing my LIFE), but to most people it doesn’t appear to be work, it just seems like I play all day. Which.. I mean, I guess I do! 🙂 

The stuff that DOES seem like work, though – 

Like my daily emails
My multiple daily Facebook posts
My dozens of Snapchat snaps
My answering messages
My videos & livestreams
My constant selling

You see it all day, but that doesn’t mean I sit there and DO IT all day. And if I do (such as with selling), it’s not like it takes HOURS of my time. 

The activities I do on a daily basis that many would consisder work, only takes up about 4 hours of my day. Sometimes less.

The rest of the day I get to do ANYTHING ELSE that I want – 

And sometimes, that’s watch Netflix and chill. 

And there’s nothing wrong with that! As long as you get the work done FIRST.