One of my favorite quotes (of my own!) of all time is this:
“Making money is really fucking easy!”
I still believe that. Deep down in my core, I know, without a doubt, that making money is incredibly easy. Especially online.
And anyone who complains about it being hard makes me wanna pull my hair because they clearly just don’t GET IT.
What sells is not a perfectly planned program.
It’s not a beautiful sales page that lists off all the pain points, all the benefits, all the shiny things you’re gonna get when you sign up.
It’s not you sending sales email after sales email, spamming the shit out of your people.
What DOES and what ALWAYS sells is being all of you, all of the time, and sharing that person with the world in a big way.
Your authenticity is what sells.
Being truthful, open, and honest, is what sells - and the sad thing is - this radical authenticity is SO different from what most people are doing.
It’s so different that when YOU do it, and you do it consistently, people are absolutely magnetized to you. They can’t look away.
What sets you apart from the thousands of other people already doing what you do, is YOU.
What makes you unique and a match for your soulmate peeps is your experiences, your thoughts, your beliefs.
Why people are attracted to you, want to be around you, want to learn from you, is because of who YOU are, and the magic that only you can bring to their lives.
Your story is what changes lives.
What you’ve overcome is what will help others overcome what THEY are now going through and want to move past.
You are their light in the darkness.
You are their answers to the questions they struggle with.
Your story and what you’ve been through is what will captivate people and have them falling head over heels in love with you.
They will follow you everywhere. They will binge on your content all day, every day. They will eagerly await your next email, next Facebook post, next livestream.
Sharing your story - the real story, raw & unfiltered - is what will form a create a connection between you and them.
The more you share, the more vulnerable and real and open you can be with the people in your tribe, the more of a connection they will feel.
And I don’t think I have to tell you what naturally happens when someone has a strong connection with you…
Except I will.
And they tell everyone they know to buy all of your shit.
And they consume it. And they are moved by it. And they are impacted. And their lives are improved because of it, and you.
Be brave enough to share your story - your real story - with all of the vulnerable bits that most people would choose to leave out, for fear of being judged in some way.
OWN your story, and continue to own your story as you evolve, for your story is what your audience desperately needs to hear in order for THEM to evolve.