I’ve been sitting here staring at the screen for the past 5 minutes, trying to figure out what I’m going to say. What I want to say. What needs to come out.
I’ve got G-Eazy in my ears, a quiet child beside me on the plane, and a stupid ass in front of me with their seat reclined so far back she’s practically on top of me. And I realize…
THIS is why I fly business class.
THIS is why I don’t belong back here.
THIS is the type of shit I refuse to deal with.
But yet here I am, dealing with it. Mumbling all kinds of profanities at my lack of personal space.
This is the last time I listen to anyone about it not being “worth it” to pay for business class seats for children. Even THEY would be better off because they’d have more room and could even lie down on some planes.
I just feel wrong being back here.
With all the commotion.
With all the mother fuckers reclining their seats on top of me.
With all the people all up in my space.
Don’t belong here.
I gaze lovingly up at my peeps in the first few rows. And I know they’re missing me. The front of the plane just ain’t the same without me in it.
The back is not for me. I belong in the front. I’m always in the front. The front was made for me.
And I feel like an arrogant son of a bitch right now, but fuck it. Mindset on fleek, baby. No one else is gonna get me what I want. No one else is gonna love me as hard as I do. That’s my job.
So maybe I AM arrogant. So what? Is that really a bad thing? Being confident in yourself?
What I’ve learned is that when I doubt myself, when I try to “come back down to earth”, when I “get over myself”, I don’t accomplish nearly as much as I do as when I know, I feel, I truly BELIEVE that I’m the shit.
And I owe it to you to be shit.
To be the best at what I do.
To show up as my authentic myself.
Because when I do that, I’m fully able to give YOU what you need.
I’m able to teach, to support, to LEAD.
I’m able to be who you need me to be in order to show you how to create the life of YOUR dreams.
And so sometimes?
That means I’m disgusted at the fact I’m sitting in the back of the plane when I know full well that had this flight been MY decision, I’d be up front, with loads of personal space that this A-HOLE in front of me wasn’t all up in.
This is just the confirmation I needed to hustle harder. Not that I needed one. I already know. But this just makes me want to go harder. Faster.
And why is it that I feel the need to explain myself. Like “oh, I’m sorry I have more ambition than you, yeah I want some lavish shit, yes I do in fact always have money on the mind”.
So fucking what?
What’s it to you? Why do you care? Why am I pinned as a greedy, selfish bitch because I want MORE than what I already have. Why do people tell me I should be grateful for what I have and stop asking for “so much”? Why can’t they mind their own business?
Listen, I don’t care if you’re happy with what you have. I don’t care if you DON’T want more. I don’t care if you lack ambition. Really. I do NOT care. As long as you don’t give me shit for wanting more –
For thinking BIGGER –
For ALWAYS asking for more and more –
And I will NOT stop. I won’t “just be happy with what I have”. I will ALWAYS strive for more. I will constantly be chasing more. Not because I need it to feel better about myself. Not because I’m trying to impress anyone. But because I feel ALIVE when I ask for more and GET it. When I do the internal AND external work to crush every fucking goal I set.
Because doing more sets my soul on fire.
Because I just CAN’T stop. It’s not in my blood to get comfortable. Complacent. Fucking CONTENT.
Not for me. I feel like I shrivel up into a ball of nothingness when I stop dreaming bigger. When I’m not always moving forward. It honestly feels like the world is crashing down all around me.
I want more.
I get more.
I will always have more.
Ask for more.
Claim more.
Receive way more.
There’s no “settling” here. And I’m past the point of giving a shit what people think about the way I think.
I can have what I want, when I want it, and so can YOU.
Is there something you’ve been putting off doing?
Something you say you want, but haven’t worked toward?
Something you KNOW is meant for you, and just isn’t in your possession yet?
This is a sign that not only is it for you –
That you deserve it –
And that it wants you, too –
But this is a sign that you need to go and GET it. Now. There’s no reason to wait. There’s no excuse big enough to warrant being unhappy and dissatisfied.
Don’t forget –
You really can be, do and have EVERYTHING you want. Take action now!