What have you done today?

What have you done today?

There are certain things you must do every day if you want to grow your community, make an impact and increase the amount of money you earn.  And the problem is that most people either don’t do these things, or don’t do them consistently, which of course leads to failure to some degree! And we can’t have that, now can we? If you’re going through the day without a list-of must-do tasks either written down or in your head (or both, ideally!), you are likely to forget something important, which will sabotage your success in a big way.  So my question to you today is: “What have you done today?” What have you done to increase your income? What have you done to grow your community? What have you done to share your message? What have you done to establish strong connections and relationships? What have you done to improve your skill-set? In short: What have you done to up-level your life? Like I said, there are certain things that you absolutely MUST do every day. Here are 7 of them: #1. Share your message. First off: What IS your message and why is it important?  Why does it mean so much to you? And why should it mean so much to your followers?  Once you’ve got that nailed down, you need to share this message every single day, all day long, in a variety of ways. Infuse your message into ALL of your content: your blog posts, your livestreams, your photos, your videos, your emails, your social media posts, the conversations you have 1:1 with people.  If people...