by Cassie Howard | Mar 7, 2017 | Making Money |
Money. We all want it. We all need it. The more money you have, the more good you can do in the world. The more you can live a life you truly love and the more you can help others do the same. Do you want to make more money? Has it been a slow 2017 so far and you really want to ramp things up and start bringing in more cash straight away? I’ve compiled a list of 100 ways that you can increase your income this month, this week, this year, TODAY, but first I need you to nod your head and agree with the following statements. Say YES if you agree: I will make more money! I will do good in the world and be rewarded for that! I am a money magnet! I create my own reality! I am about to get super freaking rich! YES? Okay awesome, let’s go! 50 WAYS TO INCREASE YOUR INCOME THIS MONTH 1. Launch a new offer. Do this often. People get bored when you offer the same thing over and over again. 2. Re-vamp a previous offer, repackage, and re-sell. 3. Set up a new sales funnel. 4. Set up a Facebook ad and direct it to your funnel. 5. Or to your paid offer directly (warm leads only!). 6. Host a livestream and sell something off the back of it. 7. Sell physical items around your home that you no longer need or want. 8. Re-negotiate with your car insurance company for a lower rate (saving you money). 9. And your credit card company. 10. And while...
by Cassie Howard | Mar 6, 2017 | Visibility |
I love to stir the pot. And that’s what I’m about to do right here, right now, because it’s driving me freakin’ CRAZY and someone needs to say something. Might as well be me.
When I first got into online marketing over a decade ago, I didn’t even have an email list, didn’t know I was supposed to, didn’t know it was important, let alone know how to USE the damn thing to make a difference (and a dollar). It wasn’t until maybe 5 years ago when I heard the term “email marketing” over and over and over again that I finally decided to research it and try it out to see if it was worth my time. Most of the blogs I read and tutorial videos I watched and even the courses I took, proved that UM YES YOU NEED AN EMAIL LIST. And more important than that - YES YOU NEED TO MONETIZE IT. I mean, come on. If someone is even vaguely interested in what you have to say, they’re gonna want to read more than the one piece of content they just read/saw/heard. It just makes sense to keep them in the loop! At the time that I was learning about email marketing I had another business (different from the one I have now) and had built a pretty solid community of followers. In one month, I was averaging 300,000 visitors to my website! And every time they left, I risked them not ever coming back. That was, until I got them on my list. My email list grew REALLY fast and after a...
by Cassie Howard | Mar 5, 2017 | Work At Home Mom |
Every day I hear someone complaining about SOMETHING. This day is shit My life is shit The world has gon to shit! And OMG why can’t I just have what I want and be happy? Well, I’ll tell you why – Because you aren’t sending out the right vibes.
So what you’re having a bad day? We all have bad days. That doesn’t mean we need to let them ruin us. One bad day can lead to 100 bad days can lead to 1,000 bad days in a ROW – If you let those thoughts win. Don’t ever forget that you’re the only person who gets to decide how your life is going to go. You can choose to be all “woe is me” and “my life sucks” OR – You can be “I am the fucking shit and only amazing things happen for me!“. I’d tell you which one I choose daily, but I think it’s quite obvious, right? That being said – Yes, you are going to have bad days every once in awhile. That’s called being human. You can’t escape this. But you absolutely CAN limit the number of bad days that you have. You can simply brainwash yourself into believing that you will NEVER again have a bad day, and just by doing this one simple thing, you will severely limit the number of bad days you have. Sounds pretty good, right? Here are a few more ideas, for those times when the brainwashing just ain’t happening – 6 WAYS TO AVOID HAVING A BAD DAY Like I said, you can’t eliminate bad days...
by Cassie Howard | Mar 4, 2017 | Planning |
I’m about to get real honest with you here, okay? Whatever is happening or not happening in your life right now is because of YOU. You are the one who creates your reality and it can be full of abundance or full of lack. Your thoughts create your reality. Your feelings create your reality. Your actions create your reality. THOUGHTS > FEELINGS > ACTIONS > REALITY You can’t have negative thoughts AND a positive life. It’s just not possible. Let me break it down for you real quick – If you don’t have what you want it’s because you’ve been focused on the LACK of it in your life (thoughts), which makes you feel mad/sad/frustrated (feelings), and in turn convinces you not to bother trying, or trying hard enough (actions), which landed you right where you are not, WITHOUT having what you want (reality). You can’t blame other people that you don’t have what you want. You can’t blame your circumstances that you don’t have what you want. But do you want to know who you CAN blame? YOURSELF. Can I tell you something that just may change your life? If you’re in any way thinking that you have to “work your way up” to where you want to be – Or you have to do X and Y before you’re allowed to have Z – Or that you need to follow some kind of PLAN to have what you want – Well… You’re wrong.
Success Money Influence Fame Impact In comes from believing and taking risks & big actions. It comes from the way you think and...
by Cassie Howard | Mar 3, 2017 | Business Basics |
I remember when I first started coaching. I would work with just about anybody. It wasn’t only about the money, I really did believe I could help them, too, but money definitely played a part in my decision-making (something I deeply regret). But the sad thing is that I couldn’t help them. Because they weren’t my soulmate clients. They weren’t JUST LIKE ME. They weren’t committed. You see, here’s one VERY big lesson I learned early on: You need to say NO to more people that you say YES to, when it comes to 1:1 clients. And more importantly than that, you need to only say yes to those that are SOULMATE CLIENTS – Meaning: Your clients are JUST LIKE YOU in every way, you’re just ahead of them on the ladder and they want to be where you are. I worked with a bunch of clients who, in the end, I just couldn’t help, because they didn’t have the qualities I believe are necessary to succeed in business: Focus, Determination, Stamina, Clarity, and fucking HUSTLE. Which was MY fault for accepting them as clients. I take full responsibility for that. I ended up “firing” most of these clients, because I just couldn’t stand working with them for a second longer. They were NOT willing to do what it took to get the results they wanted, and it drove me insane. It was starting to rub off on me. And that’s NOT something I’m willing to let happen. I’ve worked too damn hard to get where I am, both with my mindset and my physical hustle. There’s no way in...