How to get anything you want..

How to get anything you want..

I have this friend. Let’s call her Betty. Betty really wants to grow her coaching business. She currently makes around $6,000 per month and has been stuck around that mark for over 8 months. Whenever we get together and talk about our businesses, she mentions that she really wants to get to $30K months, as that is enough to pay all of her bills, travel, put money in savings, and buy furniture for her new house. She has mentioned working with a particular coach at least a dozen times. She is always commenting on how this coach always says what she needs to hear and her free content is “so valuable”. I encouraged her to do whatever she had to do to invest in working with this coach. And she always said “you’re right, I really should, but _______” (insert excuse of your choice). I don’t make enough money yet.  I have to pay my credit card bill first. I don’t know how I would make that money back. It feels too soon, I should wait until January.  I don’t know if I’m ready for a coach. Every time, there was some kind of excuse as to why she couldn’t hire this coach that she obviously loved and wanted to work with. I eventually got to the point where I stopped mentioning it because I didn’t think she’d ever pull the trigger and take a chance on herself and hire this coach. But it kept coming up. Every time we’d get together and work on our businesses, she’d say “I really feel like I need to hire someone to...

One subtle shift that will change your money results in your biz!

The right things, meaning, the things that move you forward, get you what you want, and make you feel alive. Wanna feel happy? Wanna feel confident? Wanna feel abundant? Wanna feel energized? Yeah? Then, what you need to do, of course, is take actions that get you to those feelings. You know you can just CHOOSE to feel a certain way, right? You can choose to feel happy.  You can choose to feel confident. You can choose to feel abundant. You can choose to feel energized. And by FEELING, you start BEING. Your feelings lead to your ultimate reality. Let me say that again so it [hopefully] sinks in: YOUR FEELINGS LEAD TO YOUR ULTIMATE REALITY. If you want to be a confident person, CHOOSE to first FEEL confident. Every day, over and over. If you want to be wealthy, just do yourself a favor and CHOOSE to first FEEL wealthy. It will feel weird at first. It will feel like you’re just lying to yourself… because, uh.. YOU ARE. Keep doing it. Keep choosing to feel a certain way. Feel the feelings. Feel the feelings. Feel the feelings. Over and over, again and again, day after day. And the next thing you know, you actually believe it. You BELIEVE that you are confident. Wealthy. Energized. Abundant. Happy. And from that place – That place of true BELIEF – You’re able to make it REAL. You actually ARE happy.  You actually ARE abundant.  You actually ARE energized.  You actually ARE confident. The whole “fake it til’ you make it” thing? Yeah. That. It feels bizarre. But it works. I’ve...


If you want to create something in your life (making more money, moving into your dream home, whatever..), you can’t just sit around and wait for it to happen. It’s gonna require more than you meditating and visualizing and journaling about it being real.. You also need to MAKE IT HAPPEN. Meaning: You also need to do the work. Although meditation, visualization, and journaling, are all great tools for manifesting, they are not the answer. They will not get you what you want, unless you combine them with some good ol’ fashioned WORK. There are coaches out there teaching you to “let it be easy” and ease this, ease that, and YES OF COURSE IT CAN FEEL EASY.. but that doesn’t mean hustle-free. That doesn’t mean you sit around, watch TV, and eat tacos all day (most days, anyway… ). Success, getting what you want? It comes from WORKING. It comes from DOIN’ STUFF. It comes from taking ACTION. Yes - do the mindset work - definitely do the mindset work - but do not, I repeat, DO NOT stop there. Journaling is a TOOL.  Meditation is a TOOL. Doing “what feels good” is a TOOL Visualization is a TOOL. Listening to your gut is a TOOL. But that’s just it – Those things are tools you can use to help you achieve what you so desire, but they are not the ONLY tool. Journaling is not the only tool. Meditation is not the only tool. In other words: You are focusing on one piece of the puzzle, when you need to be focusing on ALL of the pieces. It’s...
How to get anything you want..

What I did this week and how it changed the game for me & my biz

Earlier this week, I spent 3 days in an AirBnb in downtown Toronto. I flew in my social media manager/assistant/twin badass Crystal, to spend those days with me, gettin’ shit done. And get shit done, we did. In addition to taking pictures and behind-the-scenes Insta Stories the whole time, eating unlimited amounts of vegan food, and sitting on our balcony, staring at the incredible view of the city, we also: >> Shut down my Facebook group of over 6,600 people and started a new one (you can join here, it’s free). >> Re-launched UPGRADED, my most popular 1:1 coaching program EVER (we start soon; message me for deets). >> Mapped out our re-launch for The Relentless Entrepreneur (round 3 - I love this program so much!). Doors open Nov. 1st! >> Re-vamped our Instagram strategy, and ended up with HUNDREDS of new followers and way more engagement in just a few days (with NO BOTS, I should add!). In between all of this, I also: - Created content for current on-going programs. - Wrote and wrote and wrote some more.  - Had messenger conversations about UPGRADED once it was officially launched. - Journaled… a lot.  - Made a menu plan and ordered groceries for the rest of the week. - Decided on a new Facebook ads strategy and started getting all of that in place.  - Did my daily money work. (Of course!) When I got home after taking Crystal to the airport, I crashed on the couch for a solid 2 hours. I was SO tired, but in the best way possible. The truth is, I LOVE being busy....

The value is you / The work is you / The product is you – and this is how you get PAID

I was thinking about this today as I was lying in bed, trying desperately to sleep just a liiiittle bit longer, while my body was having NONE of that – Around how for some people, making money is like breathing (so easy), while for others, it’s like pulling teeth. Excruciating. Hard. Time-Consuming. And I got to thinking.. For everyone that struggles with making money, getting paid to do what they love, what is it that they’re missing? The answer was obvious, as it always is: They ain’t sellin’ THEM. They’re trying to piece together the perfect offer. They’re looking at what everyone else is doing and just doing that, thinking it’s gonna work for them, too. They’re pricing “strategically”. See, it’s not about what you’re doing, it’s about who you’re BEING, because what you’re really selling? Is YOU. Your energy. Your vibe. You don’t have to worry about saying the right thing, doing the right thing.. You just have to show up, be yourself, and say what’s on your heart. There’s no real strategy other than the strategy for being you and sharing who you are with the world. Sharing what you’re passionate about. Sharing what you can’t stand behind. Sharing what you believe in fully. Sharing what you’re doing, how you’re living, what you’re experiencing. Sharing the good days, and the bad. Being authentic and real. That’s what will allow you to build a relationship with your audience. That’s what will attract tribes of soulmate peeps into your space. That’s what will get you paid. None of the other stuff is as powerful as just you being YOU....