Yesterday I Implemented My First Ever Money Monday Session

Yesterday I Implemented My First Ever Money Monday Session

Yesterday I implemented my first ever Money Monday session. It was essentially a date between me & my money.  I do this stuff normally, but I rarely go as in depth as I did yesterday, and I often just focus on surface-level money stuff (tracking income, planning sales activities, etc.). One of my intentions for this year was to rapidly increase profitability in my business, invest my money in high-return money-making opportunities, and focus on long-term growth, instead of just fast cash. Yesterday was the start of that process. In just a few hours I was able to –  Come up with 3 big money-making ideas Cut $324 in unnecessary monthly expenses Get clarity around biz taxes and what’s upcoming Identify ways I can utilize specific credit cards to save money & earn free rewards Update biz income / sales report Plan sales activities for the week Print & organize receipts (instead of putting it off for months and having to spend hours doing it one day!) Read / learn about taking my wealth to the next level It was an insanely productive day and it ignited a fire inside of me that I didn’t realize had burnt out.  I now have a strategic plan for future money dates so that I continue to increase my knowledge around massive wealth creation and implement systems and structures in my business and life to massively increase the money I make (and get to keep). I know exactly what areas to focus on each week so that I’m saving, investing, learning, and earning in a way that takes my money and financial...