$20,308.21 CASH received in 7 days

$20,308.21 CASH received in 7 days

No, those numbers are not fluff.

They’re not bullshit. 
They’re not made up.

Those are ACTUAL numbers from my sales this past week.

Although this has definitely been one of my best weeks, I still regularly pull in at least 5-figures weekly

Back when I first started coaching, and even for the first few months, I always struggled to get clients and make sales. Sure, I would get them, but it was at dirt-cheap prices I didn’t feel comfortable selling at.

I was just focused on getting the sale, not WHO made the sale.

This led to a lot of resentment and my feeling overworked and burnt out. 

Thankfully, those days are over, as I’ve since learned how to work in a way where I attract my true IDEAL clients that I’m wildly in love with, and I can charge whatever the hell I want, andpeople will say YES with no hesitation.

All of this happened when I cleared all the bullshit going on in my head about money and why I couldn’t have more of it.

Once I figured out exactly how I was blocking money from coming into my life, I was able to quickly turn things around and generate thousands of dollars in just DAYS. 

Now I’m able to – 

:: Attract DREAM clients with ease (fuck working with people you can’t stand)
:: Create offers I know my community wants and EASILY sell to them daily
:: Rarely hear the “I can’t afford it” excuse from ANY of my clients and instead get instant YES’s

In other words, I’m able to sell the hell out of what I create, to people that I love working with, and can make a huge impact and a huge income at the same time.

I get to make over $20,000 A WEEK doing whatever the hell I want.

Although, yes –

There are certain systems you must follow
There are certain strategies you must put in place
There are certain tasks you must complete daily

But NONE of that will make any bit of a difference if you don’t fix your mindset first. Without the RIGHT money mindset, you’re going to continue to struggle and money will continue to be a sore subject.

When you can flip things around and get your mind in the RIGHT place, you’d be amazed what can happen – 

Less worry
Less fear
Less scarcity

More money
More sales
More clients
More confidence
More excitement

What I’m trying to say here is that if, right now, you find it HARD to make money

If you feel like, no matter how hard you try, you can’t seem to make the money you want, it’s because of this – 

Your money mindset is all kinds of fucked up.

You need to fix that. PRONTO. 

Only when you fix your mindset and get into the right frame of mind, does making money become easy, effortless, FUN.

I learned that it doesn’t have to be hard. In fact, it can be VERY VERY simple. If you let it.