6 Crazy Simple Ways To Accelerate Cash Flow

6 Crazy Simple Ways To Accelerate Cash Flow

I know - you want to make more money.

You know you have great work to offer, and you’re putting in the EFFORT, too, aren’t you?

But sales just aren’t going the way you want them to. And it’s frustrating, isn’t it?

I know that you’re feeling frustrated.

I know that you’re feeling confused. You’re not sure what you’re doing wrong and why they money just ain’t flowin’ the way everyone keeps telling you that it can.

I get it.

I remember the first time my mentor told me she made multiple 6-figures in just ONE WEEK in her business, at a time when I hadn’t even made that in a month yet –

I was annoyed with her. I felt like she was rubbing it in my face.

But I’m grateful for it (and I now know that she wasn’t doing anything but trying to help; to show me what was possible for me), because it taught me to focus on something I’d been neglecting –

It taught me to focus on ACCELERATING CASH FLOW instead of just MAKING MONEY.


I’ve since focused a lot of my time each day on cash flow acceleration instead of just receiving cash in general and it’s EXPLODED my income in incredible ways!

Here are some of the things I do to accelerate THAT CASH FLOWWWW –

1. Double Up On Sales Activities - Common sense? Maybe. But I’ll mention it anyway because you’d be surprised how many people don’t do this.

If you wanna increase your cash flow, ya gotsta SELL MORE, baby! Sell more things, more often, in more places!

2. Mega Flash Sale - One of my ULTIMATE favorite ways to make money quickly is to host a FABULOUS flash sale!

Huge discount, massive value, and people love them! Easy peasy. 🙂

3. Repeat Customers Are The Holy Grail - While new customers are great, what you really want to be giving your attention to moreso, is your CURRENT customers.

Think about those who just recently purchased something from you. What ELSE can you offer them? Yes, even if they just bought TODAY, there’s no reason you can’t sell to them AGAIN, straight away!

4. New Product Launch - Sometimes your offers are just boring. Either you’re bored of selling them, or your audience is bored of hearing about them (or both!).

You’ve gotta keep mixing things up if you want to raise the bar on your cash flow. People LOVE to buy NEW things because new things are EXCITING!

5. Utilize Affiliate Marketing - If you don’t offer an affiliate program for your products/services, get to it! Utilizing affiliates in your marketing is an incredible way to skyrocket your sales.

Ask those who’ve purchased from you before to sign up, and offer to give them a certain percentage of sales for every person that purchases through their unique link.

This is one of my favorite ways to tap into someone else’s audience!

6. Create Additional Revenue Streams - Get it outta your head that all of your money has to come in to your biz in a certain way. This is having all of your eggs in one basket, and also, is not giving you the ability to be creative with how you can attract more cash flow!

Diversify your income! Add in as many ways as you can think of to bring in money. 1:1 coaching, in person events, writing a book, done-for-you services, create and sell a product, do affiliate marketing, be a paid brand ambassador, group programs, masterminds.. there’s an abundance of options.

Choose the ones that feel good to you and keep adding.

These are the 6 things I start with whenever I want to boost the cash received in my biz. Which one are you going to implement first?