Do you ever get that feeling in the pit of your stomach when you need to make a decision and the decision you WANT to make feels scary..

But the thought of NOT making that decision feels worse?

And so you weigh the pros and cons, you ask your partner for their opinion, and you essentially talk yourself out of doing what you want and playing the safe card instead, right?

Really, when you think about it, how many times have you been SO sure that you’re going to do something but then don’t end up doing it? This is because you’ve talked yourself out of it.

Based on false truths you told yourself
Based on what someone else told you that you should do
Based on being “responsible” and “realistic”

Whether or not it’s something that can help you, you find ways to talk yourself out of it because the thought of doing it really scares you.

So even though it COULD change your life for the better, you say no. Why? Because you’re scared? Get a fucking grip!

Let me tell you something that changed my life:

The understanding that fear is a signal. A flashing light that’s trying to send a message. Fear is an indicator to take action.

Just because you’re scared doesn’t mean you just lay down and quit, or run away and hide. That’s the worst thing you can do, because then you’re essentially giving in to fear and telling yourself that that’s okay.

It’s NOT okay to let fear run your life and hold you back from being, doing and having everything you want.

What are you really scared of right now? What are you terrified is going to be hard or might not work or just makes you nervous?

📌  Write those fears down. Every single thought and feeling that you have around them.

📌  Burn the list. Don’t just rip it up or throw it out. Burn it. Send the signal that you’re no longer willing to let fear stop you.

📌  Create a list of ways that fear helps you: gives you ideas, shows you what you really want, pushes you.

📌  Also write down how you WANT to feel when fear comes up. Maybe you want to feel confident that you make the right decision? Or you want to feel like you are powerful and can hold your own?

📌  Flip your fear-based beliefs around into positive affirmations about what you want already being a reality (‘what you want’ including your feelings).

📌  Write those beliefs down and put them somewhere that you will see them every day. Read them and say them out loud every time they catch your eye.

📌  Practice making faster decisions. You make hundreds of decisions every day, and they’re pretty quick and easy to make because you usually make the same decisions every day. But for every BIG decision, practice making it quickly. (Trusting your gut feelings and intuition make this really easy.)

The better you get at making decisions, the easier your life will be. I know that when I eliminated “decision fatigue” from my life by making fast decisions, it removed a huge layer of stress and overwhelm.

It’s become so much easier, too. The more I do it, the better it gets!

I simply trust my gut, make the decision quickly (usually within a few minutes, depending on what it is I need to make a decision about), and go on with the rest of my day.

  • What’s for dinner? Tacos, let’s do it.
  • What time should I get up? 5:30, set the alarm.
  • Should I sign up for that program? I feel so good about it. Yes!
  • What should we do today? Go see SIL’s new baby, get in the truck.
  • Should I buy that shirt? It makes me feel like a badass, so yes.
  • Is that person full of shit? Yep, totally. Unfollow.
  • What colour should I do my nails? I haven’t had red in awhile, let’s do red.

Decision to make to decision MADE.

No delaying. No “making sure” the decision is the “right” one. No asking someone else for their opinion. No pros & cons lists.

Just DECIDE already. What’s it gonna be?