7 ways you’re stopping yourself from making more money

7 ways you’re stopping yourself from making more money

The biggest thing I’ve learned while on this 2-week trip is that it takes a lot of fucking courage, willpower and determination to show up every day and do what it takes to get the results that you want.

Many days I’ve slept in (damn you, jet-lag!)
A lot of the time our days were packed with outings
For 4 days I couldn’t get internet access unless I was at our rental (but not if we were out of the house)
I drank way too much beer and had the first bad hangover in years

There have been days I wanted to say “fuck it, I’m not working”. Many days I was too tired and even too busy to do everything I needed to do. 

But I’m a hustler. And not only that, but I LOVE what I do, which makes things a bit easier. 😉 

And in the end, I know that if I don’t show up and do the work every day, if I self-sabbotage in any way, then I will be pissed at myself, stop making money, and overall just be a very unhappy person.

And another thing I’ve learned is that there are certain things I have been doing that most definitely have been stopping me from making money. Once I realized what they were and stopped doing them, money started to flow freely again.

And since I love ya so much, I thought I’d share witb you. 🙂


1. You’re being realistic.
Stop thinking so small! If you dream big, and you work for big, you GET big. It’s better to set a high goal and miss than to hit a low goal and hit. 

2. You’re not doing the work.
Plain and simple, you’re just not doing what’s necessary. You SAY you want the money, the home, the work from wherever lifestyle, but are you REALLY doing the work necessary to get you what you want? Probably not.

3. You’re comparing yourself to others.
It’s one thing to check out what someone else is doing and let it inspire you. It’s a completely different thing to try and copy someone, or even make yourself feel like shit because they appear to be doing better than you. Remember, you don’t know what’s going on behind the scenes. Focus on yourself, your business, your goals, and don’t worry about what everyone else is doing.

4. You’re selling too infrequently.
One thing that terrifies the hell out of most people is coming off as salesy or desperate, and so, they either don’t sell at all, or they don’t sell enough. Listen, this is really damn easy. If you want to make more, you need to sell more. Daily. Constantly. If people don’t know how to work with you or what you’re selling, they’re not gonna buy.

5. You’re trying to do everything yourself.
I’m telling you honestly that not only can you NOT do it all on your own, but you are leaving a shitload of money on the table by trying to tackle everything yourself. Learn how to delegate and outsource tasks that aren’t your area of expertise. Hire a coach to get you on the right track and making money quicker, have someone track your money for you, get someone to handle customer service. If you want to make more money, you’ll STOP doing everything alone.

6. You’re letting your emotions get to you.
I get it, being an entrepreneur is challenging. It’s tough. And to be completely honest, it really fucking sucks most of the time. But if you allow yourself to let your anger, frustration, fear and uncertainty get to you, you will absolutely fail. You have to be tough as nails in the entrepreneurial world. Don’t let your emotions get to you. Focus on the goal, the dream, the life and play to THAT. Nothing else matters.

7. You’re not making your community a priority.
An email list and a Facebook group are not just nice-to-haves, they are MUST HAVES. You absolutely 100% NEED to have these 2 things if you want to grow your business quickly and make more money. And right now, you either don’t have both, or you have both, but you aren’t giving them the attention they deserve.

One of the best things I EVER did for my business is start my Facebook group. 

I thought it would be fun, I never knew I’d eventually make 90% of my income from it, impact thousands of people around the world, and have a platform for my #bestofthebest clients to share THEIR message to thousands any time they want.

And I’m not gonna list here and tell you that getting this group to over 6,000 badass babes was easy, because it wasn’t. I tried so many different strategies to grow my group, took a bunch of courses, asked coaches to help me, and tried everything in the book to get my group to the 1,000 mark. 

As you can see, I figured out how to do it in a very short period of time, and ended up with 4,000 members in just 6 months, and we’re now at 6,000+!

A few things I learned were that – 

You want to get the RIGHT people into your group, not just anyone
You want to nurture your group properly so they trust you and buy from you
You want to be the leader, make sure everyone knows you you are and how you can help them

And most of all, you want to know the correct processes to SELL to this community that are now officially raving fans!

To say I mastered this would be an understatement. I now sell out pretty much every program and offering I put out, I have high-level 1:1 clients paying $30K to work with me privately, people in my community are always recommending me to others, and I’m able to make thousands of dollars every day (a lot of the time in my sleep!), all because I mastered the art of a solid Facebook group community.