The most important word EVER

The most important word EVER

If there’s one thing I’ve learned in the last 20 or so years of being an entrepreneur is that it’s really easy to get distracted.

It’s really easy to lose focus of what your ultimate vision is, your big goal, your DREAMS.

It’a really easy to get caught up in the minutia of life and forget about the bigger picture.

I know just how important FOCUS really is, and why it needs to be the number one word you keep in mind every day, for the rest of your life.

Because without focus, you are lost, spinning your wheels, all over the place, confused and frustrated.

The importance of focus is often overlooked with people trying to do everything all at once. Listen closely: Multi-tasking is the biggest waste of time ever. If you’re trying to do multiple things done at once, I guarantee you’re leaving money on the table by being in multiple places at once.

You need to practice the art of focus if you really want to get shit done, make a difference and bring in more money. 

Focus is the #1 thing many people overlook and one of the biggest reasons so many people fail. 

Everything in your life needs to focused on sperately from everything else. When you’re brushing your teeth, BRUSH YOUR DAMN TEETH. When you’re writing an email, write the email (don’t also check messages on Facebook and watch TV). When you’re on client calls, talk to your clients (don’t check email and text people).

Focus, focus, focus - on one thing at a time.

I promise that it will make a world of difference in everything you do. You’ll start getting more done, it will be done better, and you’ll get improved results because of it.

One of the reasons you’re not making the money you want right now is because you’re all over the map – 

You’re posting on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube
You’re snapping on Snapchat and Instagram 
You’re writing emails and blog posts
You’re creating content, PDFs, audios, videos
You’re responding to emails and messages and texts
You’re selling, selling and selling some more

And don’t get me wrong – 

That stuff is important, and you SHOULD be doing all of it. But, and this is a big BUT – 

You need to be focused on each individual task at a time. You think you’re getting more done by doing multiple things at once but I promise you that you’re dead wrong. That “extra” work you’re doing while you’re supposed to be focused on something else is not your best work because you’re not 100% focused on it, you’re focused on multiple things at one time.

That means what whatever bonus stuff you get done is really only half-done. You can’t sell half-done work to someone. You have to give them your best work, give them everything, over-fucking-deliver.

And you can’t do that with half-assed, half-finished work. 

The other issue with focus is that most people don’t know what exactly TO focus on, which is why they try to focus on everything.

Guess what – 

EVERYTHING is not important. In fact, most of the shit you’re doing right now is completely unimportant and a total waste of your time.

Want to make some real fucking money? Focus on these 3 areas – 

  1. Community
  2. Relationships
  3. Sales

Yes, you still need to create content. Yes, you still need to be visible on social media. Yes, you still need to work on your mindset. Yes, you still need to do a bunch of other things, but those 3 areas is where, if you put 100% of your time (and ZERO time into anything else),you would make a fortune, and likely be consistent with it for a very long time.

Stop making things harder than they need to be. Stop trying to do it all. 

One of the reasons my business grew and I became successful so quickly is because I focused on my community (my email list and my Facebook Group), built relationships in and out of that community, and got extremely knowledgable about sales. 

Now, I can make $10K in a day if I want to.
I could sell ice cubes to someone in Alaska if I wanted to.
I can get people talking about me and recommending me if I want to.

Because those 3 areas are taken are of.