How to make 30 sales in 1 day (a lesson on what it takes to make REAL money in your business)

How to make 30 sales in 1 day (a lesson on what it takes to make REAL money in your business)

Yesterday I had 30 people sign up for my new training program, with dozens more on a waitlist for today’s enrollment to open up.

30 people. 30 sales. In one day.

I used to struggle to buy groceries and clothe my kids. Now I’m selling 30 spots in one program in less than 24 hours. I’m making thousands of dollars a day, doing what I love, working on my own schedule, and simply living my life.

I don’t know about you, but I find that pretty fucking amazing!

While I was out visiting extended family in Ireland yesterday afternoon, the sales were flooding in. When I was able to sneak away for a few minutes to check my phone, I had dozens of new sales. All while sipping tea, petting cows and practicing my Irish accent. 🙂

And to be honest with you, I kind of felt a little bit guilty when I saw all of those sales come through and the money in my account. I felt guilty that this was just so EASY for me, that it’s always so easy for me to make money online, when it’s such a huge struggle for others.

I felt bad that I just woke up, put something out there, and had money in the bank less than an hour later (and more money continuing to come in every hour for the rest of the day). 

You see, my big mission in life is to help women all around the world OWN their financial power. To make massive amounts of moneythemselves, on their own terms, without needing support from anyone else. I believe that, as women, we can do hard things. We can conquer. We can DOMINATE. And we can succeed. 

So knowing that many, many women were still struggling to make the money they want, while I was making money so damn easily, made me feel awful.

But then I snapped out of it. 

Because I deserve this shit. I worked hard for it. I’ve invested in myself and my education as an entrepreneur. I work my ass off all day, every day. And I provide amazing value for my clients.

And I want you to know that if you’re willing to put in the work and invest in yourself, you deserve this shit, too.

Ever since my Facebook group blew up and hit 1,000 members (then quickly ballooned to over 6,000), my income went up and it’s continued to rise ever since.