I recieved close to $1 Million Dollars from my Facebook group and now I’m teaching you how to do the same

I recieved close to $1 Million Dollars from my Facebook group and now I’m teaching you how to do the same

Back when I first started coaching, one of the first things I wanted to accomplish was to have created a Facebook group with 1,000 members.

I don’t know why creating a Facebook group was at the top of my goals list, but I clearly realized the value of having one

I started with 0 people, as we all do, and in just 6 months, I had far surpassed my goal with over 4,000 members.

Now, we have over 6,000 amazing women in there. And the best part? Most of them are the high-achieving, hustle-loving, badass babes that I love to work with.

The majority of my income comes from my Facebook group. It’s where I find 90% of my clients and where I make most of my sales.

I used to only post in others’ Facebook groups, and although this did help me to get my name out there and position myself as an expert, it didn’t help me to get sales all that easily. It was like pulling teeth, if I’m being honest.

But as soon as I created my own group, nurtured it, dropped hints and special messaing, and did strategized marketing, my income went through the roof! I went from $10K months to $15K, then $20K, then $30K and then I hit $50K and $75K, and the numbers keep going up!

All because I grew my group in a way that was strategic. 

You see, the problem with most people that create a Facebook group, is that they don’t know what they’re doing, so they don’t get the results you want.

You know it’s important to create a community full of raving fans
You know Facebook groups are one of the easiest and fastest ways to do so

And so you create a group, you promote it, and people just TRICKLE in. How the hell are people adding hundreds of new members every month?

You consider manually adding people.
And then you remember that that is super tacky. So thankfully, you stop yourself.

But you’re frustrated. You want to grow your group A LOT more. You want thousands of raving fans that love you, trust you, and want to buy from you!

First, take a deep breath.

Then, do these 3 things – 

#1 - Remind yourself why you started your group in the first place. Other than getting clients, what was the underlying reason you wanted to create a Facebook group? 

#2 - Take a look at your top 2 favourite Facebook groups you currently participate in. What is it that you love about them so much? Why do you keep going back to those groups every day and how you can you apply this information to improve your own group?

#3 - Write down a list of 5 ways you can promote your group and get more people to join and participate (participation is important!). Then, go ahead and DO THOSE 5 THINGS. Right now, today.

I know from my own experience just how valuable Facebook groups are. In fact, if you DON’T have your own group, you’re pretty much insane.

Facebook groups are currently the #1 way to position yourself as an expert, establish your brand, and sign on new clients on the regular (so you’re making more money every month!).

I grew my group in a very specific way. 

I didn’t just throw things against the wall and hope they’d stick. I was STRATEGIC. Which is key.