What if you just ASKED for what you wanted?

What if you just ASKED for what you wanted?

I was journaling this morning about everything I’m grateful for right now and one thing I noticed was that almost every single thing on my list was something I asked for and then believed as being done. 

I asked for $10K months. 
I asked for my first client.
I asked for a new home.
I asked for my coveted Escalade.
I asked for more entrepreneur friends.
I asked for $30K months.
I asked for passive income.
I asked for a content manager.
I asked for weight loss.
I asked for $50K months.
I asked for business-class (or better) travel.

I ASKED for those things. 

And I RECEIVED those things.

Some straight away, some weeks or months after I started asking for them.

But everything I created in my life started from the decision to just ASK for what I wanted. You can do the same in your life. Just start asking for (and then EXPECTING) what you want!

The key, though, is to ask for what you want in a very specific manner. And have a REASON behind each ask. For example, let’s say what you want is a new home. First of all, what does that new home look like? How many bedrooms does it have? Where is it located? What is the view like? How big is the kitchen? GET SPECIFIC.

And then – 

WHY do you want that home? What is the meaning behind asking for it? If you don’t have a meaningful reason behind why you want something, you’re not going to receive it because there is no emotion behind it. No bigger purpose other than just to HAVE it. 

Speaking of new homes, one of my main desires right now is to move into a new home by June of this year. I fill at least one page in my journal every day, asking for this house, being specific about what I want it to include, and also noting WHY I really want to have it. Why this is important to me.

And ever since I started writing this all out each day (less than 2 weeks), I’ve already found many potential properties. Now it’s just a matter of narrowing them down and sealing the deal! I not only asked for what I want, but I also acted as though it was already a done deal

I told people I was moving.
I wrote about this dream home as if it was already living in it.
I started planning for the move. 

In my head, it was (and IS!) happening NOW. 

Not 6 months from now
Not a year from now. 

This is how you must come at all of your goals, whether they’re for a certain amount of money, a new home, or the perfect partner. 

Ask for it. Daily. Act as if it’s already yours. Expect it. 

And then BOOM - there is is! 

Enough with the wishy-washy hoping and praying for what you want. Begging for it won’t work either. Being fearful that you’ll never get it is a surfire way to CONFIRM it will never be yours. Avoiding thinking about it is a bad idea, too.

Let me get right to the point – 


Step 1: Get clear on what you want. Be VERY specific. Use exact numbers, locations, colours. List everything out. Don’t worry about if it’s “too much”, or if it’s “do-able”. Don’t worry about HOW it’s going to happen. Just write down what you want. All of it!

Step 2: Start asking for what you want (using your specifics) every day. In your journal, out loud to yourself or to others, in your head. (“I want to receive $5,000 every week in my business.”)

Step 3: Act as though what you want is already yours, daily. Again, in your journal, out loud to yourself or to others, in your head. (“I receive $5,000 every week in my business.”)

Step 4: Determine who you need to become to achieve your goal(s). Ask yourself this question: “If I knew that this goal was a done deal and that it was already mine, how would I act/spend my days?”. Let’s say your goal is $5,000/week in your business. Think of this person that makes $5,000/week. How does she act? What does she say? What does she do? Who does she spend time with? What does she spend her time on?

Step 5: Live as though you have what you want. This is when you need to ACT as that person who has already achieved the goal (see answers to the questions you asked yourself in Step 4). You need to BECOME that person before you will achieve what that person has achieved. You need to BE before you can HAVE.

Step 6: Watch for (and act on) the nudges. Once you’re commited to getting what you want and you’re asking for it every day (while affirming to yourself that it’s already done), you’ll start to notice these nudges from the universe/God (whatever word you want to use). Nudges that are pushing you in the direction of your goal. Follow them!

These nudges could come in the form of a random feeling of “I have to look up houses on the realtor website right now!” or “I have an amazing idea for a program, I love it, I’m just gonna put it out there right now!”.

These nudges could also come in the form of a phone call or unexpected visit from someone that was put on your path to help you achieve your goal. 

This is stuff that doesn’t normally happen to you. That’s how you know it’s a nudge, and that’s how you know you need to pay attention and follow the clues! 🙂

I know that once I started letting other people help me (the universe, included!), things started happening much faster. My goals would be achieved months (and even years) before expected, often times turning out better than I’d hoped for!

Please understand that you’re not meant to do this alone.

Ask for the support you need. The guidance you need. The nudges you need. 

Just start ASKING for what you want! 

THAT’S the first step to receiving it. 🙂