by Cassie Howard | Jun 23, 2020 | Business Basics, Making Money |
Here’s the dealio: You don’t have a system for consistent sales. It’s important for you to understand that in order for more sales to come into your business, you need to have a strategic plan in place, and systems implemented. This is key to increasing the revenue in your biz. You aren’t telling people how to buy from you. Listen, if people don’t know what you sell, how it helps them, and how they can have it (ie. BUY IT from you), they won’t be buying from you. Always be selling! You’re comfortable where you are. You’re making okay money. You pay your bills just fine. And honestly, you aren’t striving for the next level… so it’s no wonder you’re not there yet. To make 6-figures, you need to be DRIVEN to make 6-figures. Otherwise, you’ll never get there. Have a plan. Have a strategy. Ask for the sale. Be FOCUSED. Do the work every day. Don’t settle. Ask for help. Go after what you want. YOU CAN HAVE ANYTHING. You just have to be willing to DO anything to have...
by Cassie Howard | Jun 23, 2020 | Business Basics, Goals, Making Money, Mindset |
There is nothing that you can’t have or experience. You can choose to live a life you love. You CAN have and experience whatever it is that you desire. And you can have it now; you don’t have to wait for things to “fall into place” or for it to be the “right” time. Those are restrictions and limitations that you put on yourself, and it’s likely why you still don’t have the things you want. You continue to stay stuck because your mind tells you that it’s part of the process. You have to wait your turn. You have to “do the work” first. You have to earn your winnings. You have to _________ – It’s all total BS. You don’t have to do a damn thing except for this: ASK for what you want. DECLARE it as being a done deal, no questions asked. ACT on that declaration daily until what you want is yours. For some, this may take years, depending on the desire. For others, they may get what they want later THAT DAY. When it happens is irrelevant. What matters is knowing that it WILL. Knowing that it’s meant for you. Believing that it’s safe for you to have what you want and that you’re worthy of having it. And that’s where the crucial mindset work comes into play. YES you’ve gotta do the WORK, too. YES, you’ve gotta write emails & posts for social media. YES, you’ve gotta track your money and income goals. YES, you’ve gotta engage with your community. YES, you’ve gotta promote your latest offering. YES, you’ve gotta follow-up with...
by Cassie Howard | Jun 22, 2020 | Business Basics |
She was loud, outspoken, sarcastic… all of the things that I relate to. I hired her because I believed she could help me grow my business faster than I was already growing. So I invested multiple 5-figures to work with her at a private client level. During our time working together, whenever I brought up an issue or something I wanted to do, and asked for guidance on to make it happen, I would be met with: “What does your gut say?” or “Here’s a journal prompt to try out”. I never once received any tangible advice or support. I would even answer her questions with “I don’t know” and she would say “But what if you DID know?”…. Um, what? The worst part is that, after our time was up, I never heard from her again. I felt like a transaction, not a person. And what I needed at that time, what we ALL need (all the time), was to feel like a person. Someone who was important. Someone who mattered. I hear stories like this from my clients all the time when they tell me about past experiences with other coaches. I often get messages that say “you’re so different from other coaches”, because I actually treat my people as HUMAN BEINGS. I genuinely care about them as a person, not as a “someone giving me money”. And when they ask for help on how to achieve one of their goals, I give them real, tangible support and guidance. Action plans and reviews. Feedback and accountability. I don’t tell them to go meditate and ask their higher...
by Cassie Howard | Jun 22, 2020 | Business Basics, Making Money, Mindset |
Please. If you want to avoid a virtual bitchslap from yours truly – STOP saying you don’t have the money to buy or invest in something. Sure, you may not physically see it, you may not know where to find it or that you already have it, but if you open yourself up to the possibility of it being a reality – That yes, you DO have the money – The money can and will show up. It comes down this: Priorities + Value Is the thing that you want a priority? Is it something you MUST have, right this very second? Yes? Okay, then it’s a priority and you need to do whatever it takes to make it happen. No? Great. Move on. Don’t think about it again. Do you feel the value you would get in return for the money you spend would be worth it? For example, if you invested $1,000 in a program that would show you how to earn $50,000, would you say that value would be worth the initial investment? Yes? Again, you need to do whatever it takes to make it happen. No? Great. Move on. Don’t think about it again. IF IT’S A PRIORITY AND THE VALUE IS WORTH THE INVESTMENT, YOU’LL FIND A WAY Just like if you were told your kid was gonna die unless you came up with $10,000 in 2 days to pay for the life-saving medicine… you’d find a way to get that money, right? There are SO many ways to generate cash. There is more available to you than what’s currently sitting in your bank...
by Cassie Howard | Jun 22, 2020 | Business Basics, Business Niche, Mindset |
What if you woke up this morning and just decided that whatever you want? It was a DONE FUCKING DEAL. What if you acknowledged that your dreams are real, that you have them for a reason and that if you just ACCEPTED them into your life, they would come running to you? What if you could stop WORRYING and start CELEBRATING? What if you could do it all, have it all, be it all and simply enjoy your life a hell of a lot more than you’re enjoying it now? What if? The thing is – All of this is possible for you. The problem is that you haven’t done one simple thing that will make this your reality. You haven’t called it in. You haven’t asked for it, expected it, considered it done, and then acted accordingly. Maybe because you don’t believe this “woo woo stuff”, or maybe because you’re seriously doubting if it’s possible, I don’t know – But I do know this – If you don’t stop what you’re doing right now and simply CLAIM WHAT YOU WANT, take action to get it, and act as if it’s already yours? Then nothing is going to change for you. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but you will NOT live out your dream life if you think your dream life is unattainable or you don’t do the internal (and external) work to get it. And there are some really simple tweaks you can make to your day to day routine around how you’re spending your time and what you’re spending your time doing. Things...