by Cassie Howard | May 21, 2020 | Mindset |
When we say or think “I can’t afford that”, we block ourselves from the opportunities that could make it possible. If you want something bad enough, you can always find a way to make it happen. When I bought my first dream car a few years ago, I was told that it would cost me $60,000. And while, of course, there were some feelings of “holy shit” and “can I do this?”, I immediately went to the mindset of “okay, let’s make it happen”. If I’d have just accepted that this car was “too expensive” (definitely way more than the under $10K I was used to paying for my vehicles), then it never would have ended up sitting in my driveway. Which it did about a month later. I made $80,000 the month I decided that I wanted this car (and that I wanted to pay for it in full, in cash). This was more than I’d ever made before. So how did I make it happen? I had a strong WHY for the money, and then I got creative with my income-generation. I did a lot of personal outreach. I added payment plans for my offers. I offered multiple different packages and deals. I showed up on social media & email way more. I had more conversations with more people. I did more livestreams and trainings. I gave away a TON more free value than usual. I cut some of my expenses so that I could keep more of my money to use toward this goal. I DECIDED that this was happening no matter what, and I attacked...
by Cassie Howard | Oct 3, 2019 | Miscellaneous |
You don’t need to SPEND hundreds of thousands of dollars to MAKE hundreds of thousands of dollars. What you need, is to commit to what you want, and then to taking the actions necessary to make it your reality. I invested under $25,000 to earn my first $250,000. That’s more than a 10x profit. The reason I made that much money wasn’t because I SPENT a ton of money (though I did spend a significant amount). It was because I decided and committed to making it (I actually decided on $100,000 - and wound up receive more than double that!). I showed up every day EXPECTING that to be my reality. That by the end of my 12 months, I’d have earned $100,000 doing what I love. 12 months later, as I did my calculations, when I saw that I had more than reached my goal, I wasn’t surprised. Because I knew. I EXPECTED IT TO BE REAL AND THEN IT WAS. So don’t get caught up in the story you keep telling yourself about how it’s going to cost you “so much” to make the amount of money you want to make. It CAN cost a lot. It can also cost a little. {Regardless, this is for your DREAM, right? So… why does it matter either way? But that’s a discussion for another day…} Start by expecting to make ______. And then EMBODY that. How would the you who already makes _____ show up today? What would she create? What would she say? What would she sell? How would she carry herself? How would she dress? Where would...
by Cassie Howard | Oct 3, 2019 | Miscellaneous |
It’s not because you don’t want to. It’s not because you’re not worthy of it. It’s not because you don’t know how. It’s not because you’re not ready. Bullshit bullshit bullshit. The reason – The REAL reason why you can’t ever, no matter how hard you try, move past this level you’re STUCK at and have been stuck at for ages, is because of this simple fact: You won’t step the fuck up and CLAIM IT. WANTING to be at the next level is not enough to GET there, fully. You can’t wish for it. You can’t cross your fingers and HOPE it one day happens. ‘Cause it won’t. Not without you, first, stepping up to the plate, ready to go to bat for your dreams, and consistently swinging – And with the constant UPLEVEL actions needed to move THROUGH where you are now and into the next phase of being. Where most people stop is not with the “doing the work” part… no, the work is EASY, we always DO the damn work, and quite enjoy it, thank you very much! – But that’s about where it ends – And so you’re caught in that never-ending circle of work, work, work, work, work. - which is okay in it’s own right (we do love the work, afterall!), but what happens is: You STAY WHERE YOU ARE. Sure, you may gradually increase your email list size, or even your income a little bit, but for the most part, you’re just… stuck. You make pretty much the same amount of money as you were making a year ago, or maybe...
by Cassie Howard | Oct 3, 2019 | Miscellaneous |
Here’s the thing that you’re not understanding: It’s okay to be afraid. In fact, it’s very normal, and something you may as well learn to accept because as an entrepreneur, doing scary things is an EVERYDAY EXPERIENCE. I mean, unless you don’t wanna grow, elevate your income, help more people, achieve more, etc… in which case, you can probably just live in your comfort zone forever – But where’s the fun in that??? 😛 I do scary shit EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. Yesterday I began on an entirely new business model for Metta Tea Co. - and it’s terrifying me that it might “not work” (but so what - I’ll just try something else until it sticks, ha!). This morning, I invested a lot of money (that I don’t have to spare as all of my money is going into the new Metta Tea Co. product launch - thanks Visa for being such a good friend) into a new marketing adventure. Later today I’ll do other scary things, I’m sure. And in each moment, I will feel afraid. In each moment, I will question whether or not I “should” go ahead with what I’m contemplating. In each moment, I will try to scare myself out of taking action; going through all the possible scenarios of me falling flat on my ass and failing. And in each moment, I will look at fear and say: “Fuck you, thank you, not interested, goodbye!” And I will go ahead and do the thing I know I’m meant to do, because I’ve chosen to not give fear a voice. Instead I follow soul guidance, and take action...
by Cassie Howard | Oct 3, 2019 | Miscellaneous |
Here’s a lil’ tip for you today – Something to remember the next time you think to yourself that you have to create content – Content is not something you create. Content is the documentation (and sharing of that documentation) of your LIFE and all of the things you learn & experience throughout it. You don’t need to “plan” your content because content is available 24/7, just by you living & breathing. Content is your thoughts. Your feelings. Your beliefs. Your experiences. And these are things you have happening ALL DAY, EVERY DAY. Meaning: Sharing content is easy and if you haven’t been feeling that way, you’re simply over-complicating things. 🙂 And how do you share that content, exactly? YOU SAY IT THE WAY YOU THINK IT. My “secret” to creating content all day, every day is that whenever I have a thought that I think “ooh, that’s good”, my unspoken rule is that I have to say it out loud (written or by video/livestream). Even if it may offend people. So, of course, you’re not going to share all 50,000+ of your thoughts. You’re going to share the ones that make you feel “OMG YES!”, of which there are probably at least half a dozen each day. Don’t write these thoughts down and tell yourself that you’ll get to them later (you won’t). Don’t try to figure out the “right” way to say them (there isn’t one). Don’t wait untl it’s a “good time” to sit down and say what you think (you’ll be waiting forever). HEAR THIS AND HEAR IT GOOD: You must speak the thoughts when you...