How To Make The Right Decision Every Single Time

How To Make The Right Decision Every Single Time

Do you ever get that feeling in the pit of your stomach when you need to make a decision and the decision you WANT to make feels scary.. But the thought of NOT making that decision feels worse? And so you weigh the pros and cons, you ask your partner for their opinion, and you essentially talk yourself out of doing what you want and playing the safe card instead, right? Really, when you think about it, how many times have you been SO sure that you’re going to do something but then don’t end up doing it? This is because you’ve talked yourself out of it. Based on false truths you told yourselfBased on what someone else told you that you should doBased on being “responsible” and “realistic” Whether or not it’s something that can help you, you find ways to talk yourself out of it because the thought of doing it really scares you. So even though it COULD change your life for the better, you say no. Why? Because you’re scared? Get a fucking grip! Let me tell you something that changed my life: The understanding that fear is a signal. A flashing light that’s trying to send a message. Fear is an indicator to take action. Just because you’re scared doesn’t mean you just lay down and quit, or run away and hide. That’s the worst thing you can do, because then you’re essentially giving in to fear and telling yourself that that’s okay. It’s NOT okay to let fear run your life and hold you back from being, doing and having everything you want....
You Should Be So Much Further Along Than You Are Right Now

You Should Be So Much Further Along Than You Are Right Now

You’ve been feeling confused lately, haven’t you? Unsure of whether or not you’re on the right track, whether or not you’re doing the right thing.. Things have felt so HARD for you lately, haven’t they? Things that used to feel so easy. Things that used to come so naturally to you.. they’re now feeling next to impossible to accomplish. Your energy has been a bit off lately, hasn’t it? You haven’t felt as excited, you’ve been more tired than normal, and you feel like every idea you have is boring. I get it. I’ve been there, and I KNOW THESE FEELINGS WELL. I also know that it’s easy to let these feelings take over and, eventually, sadly, get worse. Back in 2017 I was experiencing one of the most painful few months of my life. Though they were emotional to start, eventually they turned physical. It got to the point where I couldn’t even get out of bed in the morning and would just sleep all day. I read a lot of books. Listened to a lot of meditations. And I would sleep. Thankfully, the books I consumed and the guidance I’d been receiving through my meditation was absorbed into my subconsious mind. It took awhile of me moping around and slowly but surely sinking into a deep depression before I finally uncovered what had happened and how I’d ended up where I was: I forgot who I was. I forgot what I came here to do. For whatever reason, I let the fire inside of me die down. I let my passion get buried under excuses and fears...
Dropping Into Superflow

Dropping Into Superflow

It’s crazy to me that just a few years ago, I was holed up in my tiny basement office, working my ass off on a business that I was no longer in love with. It wasn’t unusual for me to spend 15-20 hours per day in front of my computer. I barely slept and lived life like a zombie. And today, I can work from anywhere in the world, I only work 2-4 hours per day most days, and I’m doing work that I’m absolutely head over heels in love with. There is a stream in front of the house we’re staying at in Boulder, and I come out here to write most mornings because that stream is a reminder for me – A reminder that life is always flowing, and I get to choose where it flows. I chose a few years ago that I was DONE with the struggle of making money. I was DONE with working my ass off for next to nothing. I was DONE doing shit I hated doing. And I decided – That I would live my life in a state of constant bliss. And I do. (Not 100% of the time, as being a human is interesting AF and sometimes things don’t feel amazing, but a good 80%-90% of the time, I’m living in a state of bliss. I’ll take it.) Each morning I check in with myself – Where are you at?How are you feeling?What do you need? And it’s then that I choose to drop into superflow. I choose to enter the vortex and show up and LIVE my life...
You Were Born To Break The Rules, Baby!

You Were Born To Break The Rules, Baby!

The Badass Boss Rebelpreneurs? THIS is who we are: We don’t care if someone tells us that in order to have a successful launch, we need to do a 3-part video series, set up a FB ad, run ourselves into the ground for the month, and do livestreams every day. We refuse. We don’t care if someone tells us that if we want to make a million dollars we need a complicated 37-part sales funnel with 75.3 calls to action total. We refuse. We don’t care if someone tells us that the only way to attract private clients that will work with us, we have to book dozens of sales calls every week and get people on the phone and basically try to convince them that we’re worthy of being their mentor. We refuse. We don’t care if someone tells us that we need to first do market research before we sell something and to only launch and sell something that is exactly what our audience is asking for. (They never know what they want, they only know what they KNOW.) We refuse. We did that shit. We listened to what the “experts” said and we followed them around like a needy puppy dog, doing anything and everything they said we needed to do. You wanna know what happened? It didn’t fucking work. Not because the strategy is flawed or because the coach sucks. It didn’t work because WE DIDN’T WANNA. It wasn’t fun for us. We had to force ourselves to do it, we had to go through the motions every day, do what was “right” and keep...
You’re Full Of Shit, And You’re Never Gonna Make It

You’re Full Of Shit, And You’re Never Gonna Make It

It’s time for a smackdown of TRUTH. Don’t hate the messenger. 🙂 So here’s what’s up: Those bullshit lies you keep giving us around why you just can’t, not yet, you’re not ready, you just need a break first…? Ya know, before you can LIVE YOUR DREAM LIFE, make money being you, doing things on YOUR terms? Yeah. Those lies? Are annoying as shit. And aren’t gonna get you anywhere, ya know. Do you ever wonder why you’re still stuck? Why you still have the same goals now that you had a year ago? And still with no damn clue how to make ’em happen? That’s because you’re full of shit. You’re full of shit when you say you’re ALL IN. You’re full of shit when you say you’ll do whatever it takes. You’re full of shit when you say you want it all, and you want it now. You’re full of shit when you say that this is your year, you’re for sure gonna make shit happen finally! YOU’RE FUCKING FULL OF SHIT. You know that you’re never gonna have the money, the life, the business.. because you won’t damn well COMMIT to it. You won’t jump in with both feet and DO THE DAMN THING already. You’re full of all kinds of excuses that may SOUND legitimate on the surface but are really just you not backing yourself, having faith in yourself, TRUSTING yourself. You can’t yet, because it’s summer and you’re too busy with the kids. You can’t yet, because it’s mercury retrograde and OMG you can’t handle it. You can’t yet, because you don’t have the...