You’re Full Of Shit, And You’re Never Gonna Make It

You’re Full Of Shit, And You’re Never Gonna Make It

It’s time for a smackdown of TRUTH. Don’t hate the messenger. 🙂

So here’s what’s up:

Those bullshit lies you keep giving us around why you just can’t, not yet, you’re not ready, you just need a break first…? Ya know, before you can LIVE YOUR DREAM LIFE, make money being you, doing things on YOUR terms?

Yeah. Those lies? Are annoying as shit. And aren’t gonna get you anywhere, ya know.

Do you ever wonder why you’re still stuck? Why you still have the same goals now that you had a year ago? And still with no damn clue how to make ’em happen? That’s because you’re full of shit.

You’re full of shit when you say you’re ALL IN.

You’re full of shit when you say you’ll do whatever it takes.

You’re full of shit when you say you want it all, and you want it now.

You’re full of shit when you say that this is your year, you’re for sure gonna make shit happen finally!


You know that you’re never gonna have the money, the life, the business.. because you won’t damn well COMMIT to it. You won’t jump in with both feet and DO THE DAMN THING already.

You’re full of all kinds of excuses that may SOUND legitimate on the surface but are really just you not backing yourself, having faith in yourself, TRUSTING yourself.

You can’t yet, because it’s summer and you’re too busy with the kids.

You can’t yet, because it’s mercury retrograde and OMG you can’t handle it.

You can’t yet, because you don’t have the money to invest in a mentor that can help you get where you want to do.

You can’t yet, because your husband/wife/partner says you have to make X number of dollars first.

You can’t yet, because you still have to go through that last course you bought (but never went through because it clearly wasn’t aligned or needed, you just bought it because you have Shiny Object Syndrome).

You can’t yet, because first you have to figure out your niche. Or your message. Or your ideal client avatar. (omggggg shoot me!)

You can’t yet, because you’re working a day job and just don’t have the time (but you have the time for television and scrolling Facebook because that’s more important, of course).

You can’t yet, because it’s the wrong time of the year.

You can’t yet, because you’re on your period.

You can’t yet, because it’s too hot outside.

I mean… you get the picture. Excuses are excuses are excuses and you, my friend, are FULL OF ‘EM. And that is precisely why you aren’t where you want to be. That’s why you feel so stressed, so overwhelmed, and why the money ain’t flowing.

Can we just be frank for a second?

(Did I just say “be frank”? WTF is happening to me?)

I want you to succeed, I really do. I fucking HATE to see people living a life that is less than what they truly desire. I truly want you to do well, to have it all, to freakin’ ADORE you life.

I can help you. I’ve done it, I’ve helped hundreds of clients and students do it, and I want to help YOU do it, too.


It takes more than just a desire.

You have to step up and DO what is necessary to get what you want.

I remember working 12+ hours a day building my coaching business when I first started. I did this for at least 6 months, 12+ hours straight of engaging in Facebook groups, writing, creating, selling, showing UP.

It was hard. I was tired all of the time. I didn’t know if my work would pay off. But I stayed the course.

I kept moving forward, because I knew that the only way I would succeed (meaning: make money, help others, and work from anywhere in the world, doing what I want), I needed to keep showing up.

I needed to keep going up to bat and motherfucking SWINGING.

Another time when I just kept moving forward, was when I hired my first coach. I actually did this right at the beginning of my coaching business, even before the 12+ hour days.

Her fee was $6,000 for 6 months (a damn STEAL, wow), and the second she told me the price, I felt like someone punched me in the gut.

All of these thoughts popped into my head, like “that’s way too much, you don’t have $6,000!” and “you can’t afford that, just join a group program or buy a course instead!”, but instead of listening to those thoughts, I pushed them aside and said “how do I sign up?”.

And then I paid.

Whipped out my credit card, winced a little, and paid. I knew it was the right decision. I knew I couldn’t do it on my own - I didn’t know how! I NEEDED the support and guidance and I wasn’t gonna let a little thing like MONEY get in my way.

I ended up making $49,000 in those 6 months (my first months as a brand new coach, where no one knew who I was in the beginning). Not too bad on a return of my $6,000 investment. 😉

My next coach was $20,000, then $20,000 for another, and then around $30,000 for another, plus more one-off coaching sessions and programs in between.

I’ve spent a fuck-ton of money on mentorship/coaching because of how valuable it is and how I make SO much money when I’m working with someone, as opposed to trying to do it all on my own.


What was I saying?

Ah yes, doin’ stuff.

You’ve gotta be DOIN’ STUFF to move your business forward. You’ve gotta try new things if something isn’t working. You need to have a team to support you. You need to be SELLING and making money.

You need to be investing that money to grow your business and income further. You need to be showing up. You need to be FOCUSED AS FUCK.

What you don’t need to be doing?

Is throwing up excuses as to why you STILL don’t have what you want, at any chance you get.

Is turning down opportunities because you’re not sure, maybe next time, let me think about it…

Is believing that success, money, ease and RESULTS come from working hard forever. (It can happen faster and easier than you think - I’m living proof of that!)

Aren’t you tired of seeing everyone else blow past you and get to the top faster? Haven’t you dealt with enough frustration over why SHE is making money and you aren’t? Aren’t you FED UP with the constant struggle of this whole “online business thing”?

Are you ready to speed up the success in your life? Are you ready to speed up your results?

Are you ready for more money than you know what to do with?

Are you ready for days full of fun activities, getting pampered, chilling the fuck OUT, doing what you please, always?

Are you ready to have a business that not only allows you to take care of your family, but that also allows you to do fun shit whenever you want, support your favorite charities, and provide you the cash money to invest in things/people/opportunities that will grow your money even more?

It’s time to be honest with yourself:

Are you willing to do what it takes to have what you want?
Are you willing to put your life on the line to live the life of your dreams?
Are you COMMITTED LIKE A MOTHER to have it all, right now, no more waiting?


Okay then!

Time to step the fuck up.

Time to OWN IT.

Time to finally start manifesting ALL that you’ve been dreaming of. It’s about freakin’ time.

So the next question is:

What will you do now to PROVE that you’re REALLY all in and ready? What is your next step? Let me know.